April 2019 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for April 2019

Moses’ Report for April 2019

Serving the Lord has been wonderful, challenging, frustrating, and even discouraging — all of these things — but as long as my eyes are on Jesus, I keep moving on in faith even when I don’t understand. As a young man in the ministry I try to figure things out, but many times the answers I seek are beyond me.

The hardships and challenges of not having the necessities of life have brought me to the brink many times of quitting. I have had good days and bad days; I have had friends come and go, but the Lord has never forsaken me and I have felt his arms around me when my tears were bitter. I have seen the Lord do miracles in my life and ministry and now, in my time of great need, I am trusting the Lord for yet another miracle.

My greatest burden is for my mother who was my only friend when I had nothing in this world. My father died when I was only about five years old and my mother raised me by herself with almost nothing. She sacrificed greatly for me and I owe her such a great debt of gratitude and love. It is impossible for me to turn my back on her and my pressing concern for her well-being has never left me.

My mother and me.

Just few days ago I received a call from my mother telling me about her going blind which has devastated me. She struggles alone with no modern conveniences and there’s no way for her to cope with her life as it is if she is blind. Her death is a reality to me and it will be the loss of the greatest friend a child could have in this life. The medical treatment she needs is beyond my ability to pay, especially when I can’t even afford my own support.

My mother on the right with her friend on the left
and a missionary visiting with her a few years ago.

When I answered the Lord’s call into the ministry, I knew that things were going to be tough. But I believed that God would provide those things so sorely needed. But now my heart is being torn out of me as I see my mother’s life before me slipping away with no one near her to help and care for her. The pain is greater than I can bear and I would gladly give my life for hers if it would make a difference.

But the Lord has been good to me and I have been blessed with a few friends who have been a great encouragement to me. Russell Lee, a dear friend who adopted me as a son who needed fatherly advice, has supported me and encouraged me to do more for the Lord. While we haven’t met personally, he has been part of my life and ministry, and I give gratitude daily for his support.

Another great need I have is my housing. My yearly rent is overdue and I’m at risk of becoming homeless and living on the street with criminal elements around me. This rent is the cheapest that I could find anywhere which is 200,000 naira or about $600.

My daily schedule remains the same with street preaching, door-to-door evangelism, feeding the flock of God and other church duties. I have trusted the Lord for more open doors to serve in such as traveling to villages and cities to preach the gospel. It has been my desire that the Lord will raise churches and people that will be part of the Lord’s work here in Nigeria by praying and supporting financially.

Our soul winning group from church.

With the great burdens pressing upon me of my mother’s tragic situation and my housing about to be extinguished, I am at a crossroads where I am questioning if I am really where the Lord wants me. I cannot bear these burdens by myself without some help. If no helps comes, then I shall conclude that this ministry I am involved in doesn’t matter to anyone and I will be forced to seek another way to serve the Lord and survive.

Please put these prayer points in your mind:

  1. My mother’s treatment for her eyes if not for her health and happiness.
  2. The salvation of souls as I preach on the street and knock on doors.
  3. Payment for my rent needs (200000 naira or about $600).
  4. God’s power and strength to serve.
  5. Fulfillment of my desire to reach my people with the Gospel.
  6. More open doors to serve.
  7. Financial maintenance for my creature necessities.

Thank you all and God bless!

If you have any questions, comments, or prayers, please leave them below in the box and I will receive them.