December 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for December 2022


We appreciate you for praying for us. The year 2022 has been a tremendous year. We started the year with great hopes that the Lord will do great things through us and He has done much more than we had asked or thought. The family, that was attacked by the Fulani herdsmen and then we hosted, have returned to their farm and are doing well with the support of caring believers that I am thankful for. Although the people have so little, they are willing to share to ease the burdens of others. Who knows? They could be next in need of help.

Mr Cosmass and Family

Street Evangelism

We have a great team of soul winners that goes out to share the gospel on the streets of Makurdi in and out of season. The Lord has blessed us to see many souls saved.

Our Soul Winning Team

The first person on my far right with the glasses is my cousin, brother Victor. I remember three years ago I went to visit some of my relatives and upon my arrival, I saw Victor smoking and I remember being angry about it. I removed the cigarette from his mouth, which made everybody unhappy and we lost communication with Victor. Then in early November, I received a call from Victor and he said, “I WANT TO KNOW THE LORD! I now realize that you removed the cigarette from my mouth because you love me.” Now he is saved, a soul winner and a student of the bible. I was privileged to baptize Victor on 25 December 2022 in Believer’s Baptism. Only the Lord can do this miracle. Please support Victor with your prayers.

Victor’s Baptism

Radio Ministry

The radio ministry for me is a great avenue to share the Gospel with thousands of people locally. Sixty percent of our church population are the new converts from the radio ministry. Just recently an elderly man visited the church, testifying how the bible teaching from the radio had been a blessing to him.

Unfortunately at this time we have not been able to renew our quarterly payment, so from January our radio ministry will be on hold. All these ministries and the church itself exists only because of Christians who care to be a part of it with their support. I’m just one man and I can’t do it alone without the people pitching in.

Mr Fidelis, Our Recent Radio Convert

Door Knocking

Door knocking is one the most challenging methods of evangelism in this part of the world. Most people claim to be busy but the LORD led us to a family that listened and many of them believed the Gospel. On the 25th of December, 4 from that household obeyed the Lord in baptism alongside Victor.

One of the young men told me, “Pastor, I want to go home wet the same way my mother returned home when she was baptized.” Thank God for parents that are being a good example! Pray for spiritual growth.

The Baptismal Candidates

Prison Ministry

The Lord has opened a door to share the Gospel to all the prisons in Benue state with the help of CLI. Presently we visit one of the prisons on the last Monday of each month.

Our Volunteers

This Month’s Items That We Gave to the Inmates

We are trusting the Lord to reach the other four prisons in the state. Inmates have written us requesting help and prayers. If you wish to hear and pray for specific needs, please contact me.

New Church Plant

The Lord has turned a bible study that started from under a mango tree into a local church which is averaging 24 people that come to fellowship. Believers from another area took up a collection to rent what is being used now as a meeting hall and benches. As seen here, there are many needs at this new church plant. The floor needs repair. There is also a need for a speaker system, fans and electricity. Things are rather primitive right now.

But the people rejoice to be in the presence of a holy God and are glad to be sheltered from the elements during times of fellowship. The pastor of the new church plant is pastor Victor Acka. The name of the new church is VANDE (ROCK) BAPTIST CHURCH DAUDU. Please support these new believers with your prayers and gifts as they would continue to grow in faith and knowledge.

Revival Meeting

First Revival Meeting

We conducted revival meetings which gave our church members the opportunity to invite their family members and friends to come listen to the Gospel. It was such a blessing to have missionary Israel Thompsons with us and many other preachers that attended as well.

My family, the church and I and are so thankful for what the Lord is doing.


An inherent trait of all rental agreements is the insecurity associated with it. If the rent stops or raises to unacceptable levels, ownership changes, or repurposed use of the rental, tenants can be removed without recourse. For this reason, this local church desires to get a landed property. We also recognize the many hardships that the world's economy has imposed on so many people. Therefore we are leaving this matter in the Lord's hands as to whether we continue in our risk as tenants or be delivered from it. Please pray that the Lord reveals His intentions for us.

If you want to donate towards any of the ministries listed above, please contact Heather Idoni who handles most of our finances. While many people want to remain anonymous, I will give recognition to anyone for their gifts if they desire it.


Thank you for being a part of many redeemed lives and our ministry.