January 2019 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for January 2019

Moses’ Report for January 2019

Hello everyone. This is Moses Nyiku again. I want to apologize to you all for the last three months I could not give you news about how the Lord is using me here.

Presently I’m serving with Grace Independent Baptist church here in Nigeria. It was indeed a busy holiday and I had many opportunities to give out the gospel, knocking on doors, street preaching, preaching to the church of God, seeing hearts encouraged by the word of God, and working with the youth — all a great privilege to me.

I thank the Lord Jesus for giving me the privilege to serve in His vineyard and I do appreciate you all for praying for me.

I have been sharing with you about my burden to go and plant a Bible-believing church in my home town of Makurdi, in Benue state. It’s my prayer that the Lord open this door and that Christians would be willing to support this great cause of taking the gospel to my people.

The people of Benue state are in great distress. Many are homeless and starving — the government here gives no assistance to anyone except itself. If enough people get saved and live godly lives, I hope that some would take control of their government and help their fellow citizens. Many, if not most, of these people are dying and they’re going to Hell without a Saviour. I pray that the Lord uses me to give hope to my people, which hope begins with giving them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know the Lord is able. He is not slack concerning His promise.

Cornerstone Faith Independent KJB (King James Bible) Church in McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania is my sending church whose pastor is Dustin Wink (phone 717-658-6542). All donations for my support in the mission field can be directed to this church who will then forward them to me. Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy!

May you pray and support this great cause and that the Lord blesses you for doing so.

Children’s Ministry.

Street Preaching.

Street Preaching.

Children’s Ministry.

School Ministry.

School Ministry.

Moses Sings.