August 2019 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for August 2019

It’s a privilege to share with you all what the Lord is doing in my life and His work. My favorite quote: “God’s word will do God’s work.”

I have been praying for what about I’m to share with you today and I will appreciate your prayers.

The Lord put a burden on my heart to be an evangelist and I have been so afraid to take the step of faith but right in me I believe is what God wants me to do. So I began praying and early this year it became clear to me, but at the same time I will like for you all to be praying because the devil is never happy when we want to take the bold step to serve the Lord. I’m counting on your prayers for victory.

I’m praying about making my first trip next year in January to the northern part of Nigeria. I will go for a month and do the work of evangelism — knock on doors, preach in the schools and preach on the street.

  1. Pray for souls to be saved.
  2. Pray for God’s protection.
  3. Pray for provision.

I also want you to know that I care about you and I would like to be praying for your family, business, or ministry. Contact me if you would like to talk with me or share a prayer point and I will love to be a blessing in whatsoever way I can. If you want to know more about me, my life or ministry, you can leave a private message below or contact me on Facebook.

I really appreciate those of you who have been praying for me and some have been giving to my work and support — may God bless you.

If you would like to donate towards the cost of my travel next year January and for my upkeep, please contact me. The cost of my trip will be $500

God bless you all as you pray and consider being a part of God’s work here.


A testimony from soul winning.