September - October 2019 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for September and October 2019

It is a jungle here with the satanism, drugs, drinking, smoking, and sex going on. For several weeks I’ve been going into this jungle to preach to some groups of youth who are very receptive to the Gospel. Even though many have been saved, there is a great need for follow-up and discipleship. Because of their deep involvement in alcohol and drugs, it’s hard to get them to attend church. So I go to them to disciple them. My desire is for them to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Please pray for these young people.

I met Mr. David, a soccer director, while street preaching. After giving him a gospel tract, he allowed me share the Gospel with him. Afterwards Mr. David opened up to explain to me how he got saved in 1993 and then he backslid and became homeless. Even though he felt forsaken and abandoned, he kept moving. He said today reminded him of the day he got saved. At the conclusion, Mr. David invited me to visit his soccer club where I could preach to his young men. What an opportunity! I urge you all to pray for souls to be saved as I preach to these young men.

Another time I met Sunday, a shoe shiner. After I presented the Gospel of Christ to him, he asked Jesus to save him. Hallelujah! He promised to be in church Sunday evening.

The Lord is doing great and mighty works here and I’m really privileged to be used of the Lord to reach the lost. I’m so glad that the Lord could use me to win a soul and I can imagine the joy in heaven over the salvation of souls. I really appreciate those who have been a blessing to me in one way or the other and have believed in me and the Call of God upon my life. It’s been an amazing journey serving the Lord.


I’m still looking forward to my trip to Jos Kidanwaya this coming January to serve with pastor Jonah Butu where I will be preaching in schools and on the street, and knocking on doors. I will do my best to keep you all updated about this trip and I will really appreciate your prayers and financial support for my living maintenance and trip expenses of $500.

If you have a prayer request to share, leave it in the message box (presently not working) or message me on Facebook and we’ll pray for you. I do want to be a blessing in any way I can. Thank you for reading and I hope to bring you more news.