November 2019 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for November 2019


Moses, the servant of the LORD, unto my brothers in Christ. I thank God always on your behalf. God’s been good to us and it’s a privilege to share God’s goodness upon my life and ministry with you.


God’s been good to me in many ways, especially my health. Aside the unavoidable malaria I’ve been healthy moving around doing the work of the Lord. I use this medium to say a prayer to you all that are sick.


It’s always a privilege to be used of God in his vineyard.


One evening when I was out preaching, I met a young man named Ezekiel and I gave him a gospel tract. After witnessing to him, he gave me his phone number so I could call him for follow-up teaching. But somehow I misplaced his phone number and I wasn’t able to reach him even though he was also expecting my call.

Four weeks had passed since our initial meeting and all I could do was to pray for this young man. I was continually thinking about Ezekiel but we couldn’t get in touch with each other. Then suddenly and unexpectedly I met Ezekiel again as I went to get fuel after church one Sunday. As we were both excited to see God’s hand in this chance meeting once again, Ezekiel promised to be in church that evening and he faithfully kept his word as he waited there for me. Pray that Ezekiel grows in the faith as we minister to his soul.

This chance encounter makes the point that the Lord is still in the business of saving the souls He created but he wants to use us as willing vessels if we make ourselves available, for there is someone out there that needs to hear the gospel and be saved if we go.

I had the opportunity of witnessing to this young man. He forsook his school work to listen to the gospel and thereafter he asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save him.


The youth and men of our church work to keep the church surroundings clean as a way of community outreach. The youth come together every last Saturday of the month to clean up and then we have a Bible forum thereafter and it’s been great talking about issues that affect a lot of youth like sex, alcohol, drugs, Satanism, etc. I really enjoy being a blessing to the youth and I thank the most high God for the privilege to serve!


We serve a sovereign God; He is over all things and knows all things. The Bible said all things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. With God nothing shall be impossible. Maybe you’re fighting a battle or facing some challenges of life where the situation seems hopeless. I urge you to trust God because victory is possible but you must surrender and allow the Lord to lead.


I’m still looking forward to my trip to Jos Kidanwaya this coming January to serve with pastor Jonah Butu where I will be preaching in schools and on the street, and knocking on doors. I will do my best to keep you all updated about this trip and I will really appreciate your prayers and financial support for my living maintenance and trip expenses of $500.


Thank you for taking time to read my newsletter. God bless you!