September 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for September 2020

Greetings from Moses and also from Joy, my precious bride! I trust you’re doing well. May the Lord bless all your endeavors!

My newsletter letter this month is about God’s faithfulness upon my life. I would not be where I am today if not for the Lord. I don’t deserve it and I can’t and didn’t earn it. I’m thankful for the wonderful people the Lord allowed me to meet along my journey of life. Several years ago the Lord saved me and put me in the ministry of preaching.

A few months ago I met a young lady by the name Joy whom I believed strongly was going to be my wife. Notwithstanding I began to seek the Lord concerning her and the Lord gave me complete peace, so I started a relationship with her and, to the glory of God, all went well.

According to our tradition here in Africa, I had to pay a “bride price” and the Lord provided miraculously, thus the traditional marriage was a great success.

Side Note:

Bride price, also known as bride wealth, is an amount of money, property or other form of wealth “paid” to the parents of a woman for the right to marry their daughter. In anthropological literature bride price has often been explained in market terms, as payment made in “exchange” for the bride’s family’s loss of her labor and fertility within her kinship group. It may also be understood as a gift from the groom to his new bride’s family. In this sense it is a substantial gesture of goodwill in the forging of the new unity of the lineages. Unfortunately, the voluntary nature of gift-giving in the case of bride price has often been lost as the practice became a requirement for marriage, a requirement that has often proved burdensome.

Bride price or bride wealth is money, property, or wealth “paid” to the parents of a woman for the right to marry their daughter. This is often confused with dowry, which is paid to the groom, or used by the bride to help establish the new household, and dower, which is property settled on the bride by the groom at the time of marriage. The same culture may simultaneously practice both dowry and bride price. An example of bride price is in chapter 24 of the Book of Genesis when Abraham’s servant paid a huge bride price for Rebekah, God’s appointed wife for Isaac.

The practice of bride price may include bride service, the service rendered to the bride’s family by the bridegroom as the bride price or part of thereof. A famous example of bride service occurs in the Book of Genesis, when Jacob labors for Laban for seven years to win Leah and another seven years to win Rachel.

In parts of Africa the validity of a traditional marriage ceremony depends on the payment of a bride price, which can vary from a token amount to exorbitant figures.

— New World Encyclopedia

  1. And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
  2. If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.
Exodus 22, KJB
  1. If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
  2. Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
Deuteronomy 22, KJB

I’m thankful to my adopted parents, the Idoni’s, for sponsoring the marriage and others that have been in prayers for me.

The Wedding of Moses and Joy

Just as God the Father has a never ending love for His children — His Spirit is in each of us, giving us the same love for each other. That’s the greatest blessing of being saved as a child of God — to love and be loved!

  1. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
  2. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
  3. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
  4. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
  5. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
  6. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
  7. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
1John 4, KJB

Never Ending Song of Love

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d have never ending love for you

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on, that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d have a never ending love for you

After all this time of being alone
We can love one another
Feel for each other
From now on

Feels so good I can hardly stand it

Never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do....

After all this time of being alone
We can love one another
Feel for each other
From now on

Feels so good I can hardly stand it

Never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

“Never Ending Song of Love” is a song written by Delaney Bramlett, and, according to some sources, by his wife Bonnie Bramlett. It was originally recorded with his band, Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, in 1971 on the album “Motel Shot.”

Here's another version of this song sung by George Jones and his wife Tammy Wynette with their band.

This is Chidubem, a young man I met a few months ago. In one of our meetings, he asked me if I sell bibles because he saw me with one. That led me to present him with the Gospel and thereafter I gifted him a bible. He looks a bit like me. Who knows? He may become a voice for God to his friends. Pray for him as he grows in the Lord.

I’m trusting the Lord for a wedding ceremony as the Lord provides. I will appreciate your prayers and support for that.

In the midst of all the marriage arrangements, God’s been faithful in providing for the radio broadcast. God is blessing the broadcast in ways I never imagined and it’s a joy to see souls saved.

Soon I will be going back fully into street preaching and door-to-door soul winning. The schools are open here now which are a great medium to reach students with the Gospel of Christ.

I’m also trusting the Lord to have Gospel preaching meetings with Pastor Victor Thompson and he’s also asking for prayers for his church, Spring Valley Baptist Church, especially in the area of church rent.

Great faith Baptist Church, a new church here, has been meeting in a school classroom and we are praying as a church that the Lord will provide us a better place to fellowship and access. Pastor Jonah has a burden to serve the Lord and he will appreciate your prayers and support, especially to get a place of fellowship.

Here’s Great Faith Baptist Church’s meeting place for now and it’s our desire that God provides us with our own place for fellowship.


My radio sermons are available for download on the blog with some of them being updated. Look for the “Download Moses Radio Sermons” button near the top of the homepage. Great bible sermons that will lift your soul! Share it with your friends. I trust you will be blessed from God’s word.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and I will love to pray with you or for you if you have a need. If you have a prayer request, contact me on Facebook with the contact button at the bottom of this page.

God bless you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku