August 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for August 2020

Good day to you and God’s blessings upon you and your families. It’s always an exciting moment for me whenever I have the opportunity to share with you what the Lord is doing. God is doing what only He can do in my life and ministry.

As I have been praying for some time, the Lord answered that prayer by leading a young lady to me that I have fallen in love with. Then I was stymied by a huge bride price to pay and the Lord has provided that as well. So now we trust the Lord to be married soon. Next month I will write up a full report of testimonies and answers the Lord has provided. Praise God!

The ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL to the lost is a ministry of faith and through faith the Lord has been blessing this ministry in ways I cannot explain. It is true that God’s ways are not our ways, however I would rather go with God’s way than my own evil ways. God has been faithful, God’s been good.

  1. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
  2. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55, KJB
  1. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.
Zechariah 3, KJB

I also appreciate those of you that have been a part of my life and ministry. The Lord is not unfaithful to forget your labor of love. I am grateful and may the Lord bless you!


August 13–21 I had the privilege to conduct the BLITZ program in Jos with Evangelist Tunde who is the BLITZ coordinator for SMITE and Pastor Adewale the SMITE director. It was such a rewarding week. The youth gathered in the morning for bible preaching and teaching, and after the morning sessions we divided into groups to our various bible clubs and go to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children. In the evenings we gathered again for preaching. Such was the exciting routine for the week! We had the joy of seeing many souls saved that week. Thank you to the wonderful people of Zion Independent Baptist Church in Zarazone for hosting us and it was a joy serving with you!

Here are some pictures from the BLITZ program:

Giving the Gospel to some young men. What a joy to share God’s word with these young ones.

Friday morning I went to watch soccer in local field where I stayed during the program and these young men sat behind me. They were in a deep conversation about Boko Haram, a terrorist group here in Nigeria, and although I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to give them the Gospel, I didn’t do it. The Holy Spirit troubled me so much because of that and made me restless. Back in the house where I was staying these young people were constantly on my mind. I couldn’t take it anymore and I surrendered to the Holy Spirit. When I went to these young people, they stopped their conversation all of a sudden and I preached the Gospel to them. What a joy that came to my soul that hour for obeying the Holy Spirit and giving out the Gospel. It was later that I discovered that two of those young men attended the church that hosted me. They were all happy to hear the good news.

The Nyams family took very good care of us. A great family living for Jesus. Here in the picture is Samuel next to me, Mrs. Nyam, Shadrach and Mr. Nyam and their beautiful daughter Naomi. Samuel and Shadrach are seminary students that traveled with us.

Preaching during the evening sessions.

Bible club session. Teaching children the Bible

I was privileged to meet this great man of God that also has a heart for the children’s ministry. He came and played some good music for the children with puppets. Pray for his ministry.

A group picture of those present at the program.

I met Dr. David early this year. He’s one of my good Christian friends. He’s a great man, a good husband and a wonderful father to their son. On my mission trip to Jos, Plateau State, I was privileged to meet again with Dr. David and this time he took me to his home and I was privileged to meet his beautiful wife and their energetic son, David Jr.

I had an enjoyable conversation with him and a wonderful meal of course. In our conversation he mentioned to me that he’s been listening to my radio sermons and he sees in me the love and power of God working in a young man. I’m really honored that my preaching is a blessing to so many!

My producer works really hard to make sure my sermons air every week. He’s a godly man and it’s been a joy working with him.

My brother and friend Arin who hosted me during my mission trip to Jos. A very talented man and it was wonderful spending time with him.

For years now I’ve been praying for a wife and many of you have been praying with me as well. The Lord has answered this prayer. A few months ago I met sister Joy, a godly young lady. We trust the Lord to be married in few months. I will appreciate your prayers and support concerning this great event in our lives. With the traditional rites I have to perform, the Lord has brought me through it all.

Update About My Radio Broadcast

I thank God for the privilege to preach the Gospel to the world through the airways of Radio Benue in Makurdi. The Lord has been blessing this ministry in ways I could never imagine. I received calls of testimony on a daily basis. Counseling and praying with people too. God’s word is touching lives in a great and mighty way. I thank the Lord for my parents, the Idoni’s, for the unfailing support; Pastor Dustin of Cornerstone Faith Independent Church; and many others for your prayers and support.

It’s my desire to continue with the broadcast as it’s touching many lives. My contract with the radio station is due at the end of September. If you feel so inclined, become a part of this great ministry by donating. Your friendship donation will help me to renew my airtime. The cost is 15000 naira weekly ($45). The payment is quarterly and it’s all done by faith. I will appreciate your support and prayers. God bless!

You can also download all my broadcasts from this blog. As you log in, look for “Download Moses Radio Sermons” button on the homepage. Great bible sermons that will lift your soul! Share it with your friends. I trust you will be blessed from God’s word.

I’m trusting the Lord to host a bible conference here before the year runs out to enable me to meet with my converts for a refreshing time of preaching questions and answers, and testimony. Bibles will be distributed and other Christian materials that might be available. Pray for this upcoming program and support it in any way you can.

Reach out to me via Facebook or drop me a comment there. Use the “Contact or Message Moses Nyiku” button at the bottom of every page. I wish to be a blessing in any way I can. Thank you very much for reading my newsletter.

Evangelist Moses Nyiku