July 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for July 2020

Praise the Lord! It’s always a blessing to share God’s goodness and everlasting love to you all. God’s been so good! I appreciate you for being a part of my life and ministry.

How are you doing today? I wish you all the very best for all the new ventures that God has in store for you. Don’t be afraid of moving forward. The future is doable when God is in it. My heartfelt desire is for God to bless you in whatever you do.


Again, thank God for His provision. BRINGING THE GOSPEL renewed the preaching slots with Radio Benue early last month which will last through the end of September. My gratitude is to all who have prayed and supported this broadcast. May the Lord Almighty bless you bountifully!

Here is my Christian Brother, John Idoni. He’s been so supportive and loving. I will be joining Evangelist Baba Tunde for Bible Blitz and I have been praying for provisions for this trip and my brother here has supported almost 50% what I needed for the trip. He checks in on me often to know how I’m doing. He’s such a wonderful brother and I’m happy to have you, brother. God bless you!

Little is much when God’s in it. It’s always a blessing when I’m privileged to visit Great Faith Baptist Church in Makurdi and preach to its wonderful people. On this day a convert from the radio ministry came to visit. Please pray for the growth of this church.

Street preaching bears good fruit here because most people walk and the streets are always full of people. I met Mr. Terhemba, a truck driver, while I was street preaching near Great Faith Baptist Church. After sharing the Gospel with him, he confessed that he hasn’t been in a church for about 8 years and that things had been so backslidden with him and his wife. His testimony really touched my heart and I believe he met with the Lord, as he started going to Deeper Life Bible Church the next day. What joy is in heaven because of Mr. Terhemba! Please pray for him and his wife.

I met this young man, who sells natural herbal supplements, after my weekly broadcast at Radio Benue. He first introduced his business to me and then I also introduced him to the King of kings, Jesus Christ. As always it was really a great opportunity to share the Gospel with him. Jesus saves!

After sharing the Gospel with the nutritionist I approached this farmer and by God’s grace he gave me some minutes of his time and I shared the Gospel of Christ with him. It’s such a wonderful day when two more souls are added to the Lamb’s Book of Life.

  1. Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
Luke 15, KJB
  1. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
Revelation 20, KJB

Mr. Torkuma worked at this hotel where I met him. When I asked him if I could share the Gospel with him, he was so willing to receive God’s word. It was indeed a great time and a joy to see this young man growing in grace. He touches me and it’s always so uplifting when I get a chance to discuss God’s word with him. Please remember him in your prayers for spiritual growth and God’s blessings.

My plans include an evangelism trip from August 13 to 21. I covet your prayers as I will be reaching children with the Gospel of Christ and visiting other churches. Thanks to those that support this trip and may the Lord bless you richly.

I ask for your prayers regarding my radio broadcast. A listener called and accused me of saying things about politicians in a disrespectful manner and threatened that I watch what I say. But I am not afraid so long as I preach God’s word.

I’m trusting in the Lord for a mini-conference here before the year runs out where we can reach many with the Gospel besides encouraging the converts we have already. Be a part of this great ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL to a lost and dying world and pray for it.

If you message me on Facebook I will be glad to pray with you or help in any way the Lord allows me to.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and God Bless you all.

Evangelist Moses Nyiku