November 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for November 2020

Greetings from me and my wife and the entire ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL.

Joy is appropriately named as it is indeed a joy having her as my wife and ministry partner. We appreciate your prayers and support. Due to an unfortunate accident with my phone, all my photos for this newsletter were lost.

Ministry Update

My wife is my partner now with the street preaching ministry. early last month as we went out soul winning in a Muslim area to share the Gospel with them as we both can speak Hausa and it was a thing of joy for me see my young wife sharing and giving out a lot of Gospel tracts.

One man’s testimony particularly encouraged my wife. He was standing by an ATM machine and I handed him a Gospel tract. As he looked at the tract with a look of shock on his face, he asked, “Are there still street preachers?” I said, “Yes, I am one.” He then said that it has been 10 years since he saw a preacher sharing the Gospel on the street. I was glad to share the Gospel with him. His testimony greatly encouraged both me and my wife to see that the harvest of souls is ripe indeed.

The radio broadcast has brought us so much joy as we see people responding to the Gospel message on daily basis. By the grace of God we broadcast in both English and the Tiv language and we have been receiving a great number of testimonies from both segments. There is a great need for discipling and follow-up with these new believers in Christ and it’s my desire to teach them and see them grow in grace.

  1. 11 These things command and teach.
  2. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4, KJB
  1. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
1 Peter 2, KJB

Pray for our radio broadcast that many will be reach with the Gospel through this medium. Be a part of our radio broadcast by supporting us financially to continue reaching souls with the Gospel with a quarterly cost of 15,000 naira ($45 USD) for 30 minutes each week in English and Tiv. Our quarterly payment is due ending of this month. Pray for me for wisdom as I counsel with a good number of people on a daily basis about sin-related issues and that God’s word have an impact in their lives.


Mid last month BRINGING THE GOSPEL ministry printed many Gospel tracts and banners for street preaching illustrating “Three Things God Cannot Do,” that was supported by the Idoni’s, my adopted parents. You can help us with these Gospel tracts as well by supporting the cost of 18,000 naira ($55 USD) to print 2000 Gospel tracts.

The Lord again has provided our rent here using the Idoni’s and we are so thankful for the unconditional love from my adopted parents giving their time and resources to support us preaching the Gospel of Christ.

We’re also very thankful to all of you who have been supporting us in prayers, money and even your time. Thank you for being a part of the Lord’s work here.

Be in prayer for us as we will be starting a prison ministry here early next year. The prison ministry is so dear to my heart and I believe that it is dear to the heart of God as well. We are trusting God to have some gifts ready for the prisoners before January next year. If you could give a donation, it would go towards helping a hapless prisoner meet his need and receive the Gospel at the same time. Truly there is hope in Christ Jesus!

Last Sunday in November my wife and I travelled to a church in Daudu to fellowship and they were happy to have us and the service was a blessing. By the grace of God I will be preaching at Redemption Baptist Church in Daudu on 27 December. Please be in prayer for us as we travel around to preach the Gospel.

We’re still trusting the Lord to meet the need for a sound system for our street preaching.

Thank you for being a part of my life and ministry and I will love to pray with you and be a blessing in any way I can. You can contact me on FB with the contact button below or leave a comment. God be with you!

Sending you love from Moses and Joy

Evangelist Moses Nyiku