December 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for December 2020

Happy New Year to you, my family and friends! I want to say a special thank you for your prayers and support. 2020 has been an unusual year of trials and God’s blessings. I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to the Lord for the salvation of souls and all the opportunities to give the gospel.


BRINGING THE GOSPEL had the opportunity to air on the radio both on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and we received a great report from our audience of souls that were blessed. I’m so privileged to be used by an Almighty God to reach souls.

On the 25th of December after our radio broadcast, my wife and I traveled to the village to share the love of Christ. But everyone was busy, so I decided move from house-to-house to talk to the people that would listen. Crossing to the other side of the village, I saw women going to the stream for water and the Lord brought to my mind that living water that quenches all thirst.

  1. Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
  2. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4, KJB

As I stood there that day, I was to share the love of Christ with four women. I considered it a Divine Appointment and God was glorified. They travel miles to get water and yet they were interested enough to hear the gospel. Unlike many other countries, many Nigerians are looking for something real and are open to the Lord’s Gospel.

  1. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
John 4, KJB

My desire for my people to be saved from a godless eternity in Hell has become a reality with a great open door to start a radio ministry. As it is with this new convert, I desire to disciple all new converts in a new life with their Saviour and that door is open as well.

This is Torkuma, a student of the University of Agriculture in Makurdi who has been following our radio broadcast right from the beginning. But towards the end of 2020, he gave me a call for the first time after hearing the message regarding a wounded spirit. He called me on a Tuesday which was somewhat unusual because most calls come in after the broadcast between Friday and Sunday. I was so encouraged when he testified how the radio broadcast had blessed him that when he asked to meet with me for a discipleship class, we set a date to meet on that very Sunday. When he came, he heard the gospel of Christ preached and his faith was turned from religion to the Saviour. The Lord blessed our fellowship and I gifted him with a King James Bible afterwards. He was overcome with tears of joy as I likewise was overcome with joy unspeakable for the salvation of another soul. I believe it is the Lord’s will to continue with these discipleship classes and I will appreciate your prayers in this matter.

  1. Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
  2. Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
1Peter 1, KJB

Oh, the Lord has been so faithful! This is my friend and brother Mr. Lawrence whom I knew when we were in primary school. After school he traveled to the city and we had not been in touch until around 2014 when I was in Bible College. We renewed our friendship then and I had started talking to my friend about accepting the salvation of God. Even though he’s a very good man, I still believe he needed to get right with God.

  1. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 5, KJB

From that time I’ve been in touch with him and at the end of 2020, Mr. Lawrence came to visit me. My wife and I spent time talking and laughing with him that night but the following morning while my wife was in the kitchen, I invited Lawrence to join me in devotion. We were reading Proverbs 18 and he remarked that the word of God is powerful. We finished reading and I shared the Gospel with Mr. Lawrence. That morning he asked Jesus Christ to save him and Heaven was rejoicing with me. A few days after he returned to his work place, I called him to chat with him. As we were talking, he confessed that his visit to us gave him the desire to marry. It is humbling to even think that my wife and I can inspire others. God truly is doing great things!

I was privileged to visit with Redemption Baptist Church in Daudu and it was a great time of fellowship. Now I’m looking forward to evangelize with this church, another of my passions that God has given me.

In counting my blessings I also want to introduce you all to the wonderful parents the Lord has blessed us with. I’m so privileged to be part of this wonderful Idoni family! Mom and Dad, I really appreciate your prayers and support!

I would also want to give appreciation to Pastor Dustin and his family for their friendly advice, prayers and support. He is my big brother and mentor!

Lastly but not least, here is my adopted daddy, Russell Lee. In the beginning when I was a very young man, he agreed to be my daddy when I had none. He believed strongly in me and in the call of God upon my life, and he always pointed me towards the Lord. During those lonely and confusing days in the long ago past, he gave me hope and inspiration to walk a righteous path. His dream for my success encouraged me to remain steadfast and not give up when the going got tough. Even today his standards discipline me to always do righteousness.

Now there are so many other people out who have been a vital part of my life and ministry and I want to give appreciation to you all for your prayers and support. If there are any others who would like public recognition for their part, please let me know so I don’t offend or slight anyone.

By God’s grace BRINGING THE GOSPEL will be starting a prison ministry this year also. Please be in prayer for us and if you can donate toward this cause, we will want to help the prisoners with some sorely needed items.

As schools reopen here, we are trusting the Lord to resume the school ministry I once had. You can be in prayer for us for an open door and that God would prepare the students’ hearts for the Gospel.

Our weekly radio ministry broadcasts in the English and Tiv languages and costs N15000, $45, per week. Please be a part of this great ministry by supporting us with your prayers and financial support so we can continue reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ.

Thank you for reading our newsletter and if you have any questions or prayer requests, please contact us with the button at the bottom and I will be glad to help in any way I can. God bless you!

We’re sending love from our family to yours. God be with you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku