January 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for January 2021

A Happy new month to you and your family! Special greetings from Evangelist Moses and Joy Nyiku, and the entire ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL! We really appreciate your prayers, support and even your encouraging comments on Facebook.

It’s always a joy to me to share with you the blessings of obeying and glorifying the Lord, and last month was great with several opportunities to preach the Gospel of Christ.


I’m thank God for the great opportunity of the weekly radio program BRINGING THE GOSPEL and for the people the Lord is using to sponsor this program. The Gospel of Christ is preached weekly and we have received so many good reports of life-changing testimonies of salvation from the audience.

In addition, earlier this year the Lord gave me a desire to disciple new converts from the radio program and train up soldiers to preach the Gospel. I and many others have been praying and just a few weeks ago I started gathering people at my home for Christian fellowship and teaching. I have started this all as the work of faith and I believe the Lord will bless it richly. I would love for you to pray for this new ministry of teaching to grow greatly in grace and fruit.

I want to testify especially about this brother by the name Kasuwa. Ever since he heard the Gospel he has continually called me with inquiring questions and eager to learn. When I called everyone for a time of fellowship, he was the first person that showed up. We all had a great time praying and then studying the Bible together. He privileged us with his testimony and as we were rounding up, he told me that he’s bringing his wife next week because he’s found the infallible Truth and its eternal Author. They both showed up the following week to hear more of the thirst-quenching Gospel. The preaching on Hell-fire so fired him up (pun intended) that he went back home and began telling his neighbors about Jesus so they wouldn’t die and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire! Already he has a burden for the lost. Pray the Lord to protect him from the devil quenching his spirit!

In Makurdi I was privileged to preach a Revival and Prayer Meeting for three days at First Baptist Church. Many decisions were made, souls were saved and God was glorified. I have received many great testimonies from people that were present.

Street preaching has brought so much joy to my soul. One time I was out street preaching in the cool of the day and I saw an elderly man sitting by himself and I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to go share the Gospel with him. So I walked up to him and did just that, giving him a Gospel tract. After I shared the Gospel of Christ with him, he testified to me that today was happiest day of his life. He said that today was the first day this year that he sat in the open and he never knew that there was a free gift coming from the Lord. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and then he joined us as we went around the neighborhood, sharing the Gospel with his neighbors. God’s indeed changes lives!

Now I want to encourage you all to go out street preaching this week because there’s someone that’s waiting to hear the Gospel of Salvation.

Prayer Requests

By the grace of God we will be starting a school ministry on Friday. Please pray that souls will be saved.

I’m also waiting for approval from the prison here and by God’s grace again, we will soon start sharing the Gospel in the prison. Please pray and support financially if you’re able as we desire to take supplies to meet the physical needs of the prisoners as well as their spiritual needs with the Gospel of Christ. My burden for this comes from the word of God.

  1. And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
James 2

Pray for our new discipleship and fellowship ministry and support it in any way that the Lord lays it on your heart. It all started by faith and I believe the Lord will perfect it.

Also please consider being part of our radio program if you’re not involved by praying and supporting us to keep preaching the Gospel. We broadcast in both English and the Tiv language every Friday. It costs us 15,000 naira per week which is about $45. While we pay it quarterly;, anything you give will help greatly in propagating the Gospel.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and praying for BRINGING THE GOSPEL ministries. As you should know, I would love to pray for you and be a blessing to you in any way I can, so feel free to contact me with the “Contact” button below.

You can download our radio sermons here on the blog as I update them periodically. Just click “Download Moses Radio Sermons” on the homepage (http://bit.ly/BrThGo — shortened version of BringingTheGospel).

God bless you and your family!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku