February 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for February 2021


Welcome to a new day and a new month!

It’s my honor to share with you what the Lord is using us to do here in Benue state in Nigeria. I will be giving you some updates about our radio ministry, testimonies from our house discipleship, upcoming plans about planting a local church, more great testimonies from door-to-door soul winning and street preaching.

Update about Our Radio Program.

I am always grateful first and foremost for the Lord’s faithfulness and for the sacrificial giving of believers that keep us airing God’s word on the radio. We trust the Lord to renew our upcoming payment in the first week of April. A week is 15000 naira, $45 USD. Please consider praying for us.

Testimonies of Salvation

Divine on the left has been listening to our radio program and had longed to meet me for a long time. Then on the 4th of March the Lord brought us together along with his twin brother, Marvelous, who also came around. I was able to share the Gospel with them whereupon they both believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Lord has been moving greatly in the Lord’s work here. Many souls have been won to the Lord through the radio ministry, street preaching, and door-to-door soul winning. Lately we started a Facebook page to propagate the Gospel further through social media and thousands of people across the world listen to Gospel preaching through it and we have received a number of encouraging life changing testimonies of salvation and healings.

I counsel daily with the people that listen to our radio program on salvation questions and other issues of life. Many people are difficult to reach with the Gospel of Christ because of starvation through a poor economy. But we do what little we can for these poor souls and give the Gospel to those that will listen.

Soul Winning Update

When I first moved to Makurdi I was alone and was doing evangelism by myself. When I prayed for a soul winning partner, the Lord gave me a double portion. He gave me a beautiful wife who also became my soul winning partner. Now with the discipling, some of our converts join me for soul winning. What a joy it is to see people get saved! Then they bear fruit as they also begin reaching other people with the Gospel of salvation.

This is Kasuwa who was reached with the Gospel of Christ through the radio ministry. We started discipling and now he goes with me street-preaching the Gospel of Christ.

House Fellowship

As of March last year I moved back to my hometown of Makurdi in Benue state during the lockdown, which was about the same time that I started the radio ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL. After that I was discipling the converts from the radio ministry wherever we could meet. But when I got married I wanted a good church where my wife could grow spiritually. Wanting a good church became my burden, so we went in search of a good church and could not find any. So one Sunday I told my wife that we are going to fellowship with the Lord in our house which was really strange to my wife because it is not a Nigerian tradition to meet in the home for church but — Praise the Lord! — she obeyed and so we fellowshipped with the Lord from that time forward. What is unique is that some of our radio ministry converts also started coming and joined us in fellowship which has been growing ever since. That’s a big miracle and only the Lord can draw His people together like this.

  1. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
  2. Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 2, KJB

When I started the radio ministry a few months ago I never knew that we would be able to start a discipleship class which would soon thereafter become a local church, but God has been faithful and blessing His work in a great and mighty way. My home is our meeting place for now and the Lord has been visiting us.

God has been faithful and the fellowship is growing. Here is me and my wife, Mr. Kasuwa and his wife, Torkuma, and another young man who were saved through the radio broadcast and now want to learn more of God’s word and grow in grace.

I am praying and trusting the Lord to provide us a place of worship and I know that the Lord will do it. I don’t know how but I am sure He is able. I am asking for your prayers and financial support for this great need. We live in an area where Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and Paganism dominate society. I believe there is a great need for a Bible Believing soul-winning church here.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our prison ministry. We are still waiting for approval from the prison office.
  • Pray for the salvation of souls.
  • Pray that the Lord provides us a place of worship for our growing membership.

I appreciate you all for fervently praying for us and the Lord’s work here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria. Thank you for the financial support and your encouraging messages.

We are here to serve the Lord and to serve the people in any way we can. Believe me, there is a great need for the Gospel of Christ in the world today and Nigeria is no exception. Thank you again for being a part of bringing the Gospel to the lost.

Thank you also for reading our newsletter and you can reach out to us with your prayer requests and I will be glad to be of help to you in any way I can.

God be with you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

A Message from James Modlish : Adam — A Type of Christ

James Modlish has been building churches in New York, Washington, and Colorado, and is now pastor of Huerfano Community Bible Church, Walsenburg, Colorado. His message on Adam, a type of Christ, to his church is presented here for your edification.

One of the tools that Pastor Modlish uses to teach the bible is the use of TYPES, which is a way of understanding future events and people that have a corollary or share particular characteristics with past events, things, or people. Because God does nothing randonly, His plan will be embedded in the foundation of the past like a seed, ready to copy itself for the fulfillment of prophecy.

Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45


  • type of Christ, a living soul
  • Christ is the last Adam, a quickening Spirit


  • a type of church
  • bride of Christ
  • Eve’s has life as a type because Adam’s side was wounded for her
  • Believers have life because Jesus’ side was wounded for us
  • a part of Adam’s body, a type of church
  • the church is a part of Christ’s body

Ephesians 5:30-32

  • Marriage is a picture or type of a greater relationship between Christ and the church

Genesis 2:18-24

  • God purposed Adam a bride, a help meet long before she was created

Proverbs 18:22, 19:14

  • God’s bride was purposed before the foundation of the world

John 19:34

  • Humanity and deity, represented by blood and water, died for us
  • Jesus’ side was predetermined to be wounded for His bride to complete the type of Adam’s rib

Ephesians 2:10

  • We are God’s workmanship
  • The Doctrine of Adam’s rib

Romans 7:4

  • Procreation: we are told to bring forth fruit unto God
  • Adam and Eve told to be fruitful and multiply, a type, Genesis 1:28
  • Bearing fruit has to do with a new birth

John 1:11-12

  • It’s incumbent on us to receive the Lord where He receives us
  • The bride receives the man who receives her

1Corinthians 11:3-7

  • The woman is the glory of the man
  • The bride of Christ is His glory
  • Adam’s bride was his glory
  • Because of the obvious parallels and types, we should treat our wives as Jesus treats us
  • Successful marriages are 100 to 0, not 50:50

1Thessalonians 5:23, Matthew 28:19, Genesis 1:26

  • We are a body, soul and spirit as is God
  • The spirit of man is neglected
  • When anyone sins the first time, the spirit dies and another Spirit is needed to bring it back to life
  • Man has a spiritual need and needs a spiritual solution

Mark 5:2-15

  • The man had an unclean spirit which multiplied
  • The real issue is always spiritual