April 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for April 2021

Thank you for taking time to read our newsletter so you can know how to be a part of BRINGING THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST.

I will start by saying the need is great: people need the Gospel and so many die every day without Christ. I believe that the death of a believer is not a tragedy but the death of an unbeliever is the biggest tragedy the world is experiencing. While all are appointed to die, yet we need to rescue people from that eternal death with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9, KJB

Jesus said if He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him.

  1. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 12, KJB

It is our mission to reach out to the lost and lead them to Jesus Christ with the Gospel, and then disciple them to go forth with the same Gospel and rescue the perishing and pray for the dying.


In the middle of last month my wife and I went on a trip to preach the Gospel for the first time as a couple. Pastor Adewale had invited me to teach a Single Adults’ Sunday School program in his church with my wife. In the past he was my teacher and mentor in Bible College and inspired me greatly with his godly example and zeal for God’s work. During our stay there, Pastor Adewale’s family also hosted us. It was indeed a blessed time teaching God’s word and fellowshipping with other people of like faith. Our time was blessed further when 5 people accepted Jesus that day for salvation.

We then visited Missionary Israel Thompsons and his Baptist Heritage Home where he cares for the orphans and manages the home. It was a refreshing time for us to see the progress of God’s work. As a young couple we garner all the wisdom we can get from our visits.

When we visited Mr. Agada’s family, he shared his testimony of salvation with me. He once believed that he had to work for salvation and had followed religion and trying to make it on his own. Things were impossible and it was depressing him until he met Jesus Christ and believed in him only for salvation. Mr. Agada refreshed my mind with a hymn that said My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.

Let me ask you: Has your faith found a resting place? If your answer is “no” then believe in Jesus Christ today and your faith will find a resting place.

  1. Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah 6, KJB

Update on
Our Radio Program

Our radio ministry for the past 15 month has been a medium to reach out to the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We broadcast every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Tiv language and every Friday at 10:30am in English. Through this radio ministry we were reaching people on the air and started a fellowship with them. News of our fellowship has grown and every Sunday we have visitors from the radio broadcast that come to hear the Gospel. God’s doing great things here in spite of the challenges and we still see the hand of God in this ministry.

Terkuma was saved through our radio ministry.

Street Preaching

Another answer to prayer and revival is the Lord moving those people, who have come to Christ through my soul winning efforts, to join me as a team to lift up Jesus Christ in the streets of Makurdi to others who need Jesus in their lives.

We now go out as a team. The Lord is doing great things here to the glory of his name! Many souls have been saved through our street preaching and we have shared countless Gospel tracts with the lost every day.

Abraham and his friend were reached through our street preaching and came to fellowship with us.

I met these school girls while street preaching and they joyfully accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Prayer Requests
for Upcoming Events

  1. A 3-day mission trip to Grace Independent Church in Uyo.
  2. A soul winning outreach to Taraku, a village near Makurdi.
  3. An open door to start a prison ministry. Request for approval is still pending.
  4. Starting an annual Youth Revival meeting.

This concludes the summary of what the Lord is doing through the ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL. Your support to this ministry is greatly appreciated and whatever you are able to give will be used for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our radio broadcast for Tuesday and Friday every week cost 15000 naira, $45. You can give as the Lord lays on your heart to other areas of our ministry also as listed above in the prayer requests.

Thank you once again for taking time to read our newsletter. You can reach out to us with any questions or prayer requests you may have and I will gladly pray with you.

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

Message from James Modlish: Almost Persuaded

James Modlish has been building churches in New York, Washington, and Colorado, and is now pastor of Huerfano Community Bible Church, Walsenburg, Colorado. His message “Almost Persuaded” to his church, First Bible Baptist Church, in the 1980s is presented here for your edification.

  • Acts 26:19-28
  • Paul stands accused by religious leaders.
  • Paul speaks to the king of his need to be saved.
  • The king is almost persuaded to be a Christian.
  • Why didn't the king get saved?
  • Almost doesn't count for salvation.
  • What's a true Christian?

4 reasons Agrippa didn't get saved.

  1. Stubbornness of the human will.
    • The fear of becoming a disciple.
    • Acts 11:19-26
    • God uses persecution to scatter the disciples.
    • They were called Christians by their enemies because they were being like Christ.
    • The criticism was a compliment.
    • God's will for us is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
    • Agrippa knew this about Christianity.
    • Acts 26:12-14
    • The stubbornness of the human will.
  2. Repentance of sins.
    • Acts 26:18-20
    • The first act of salvation is to submit your will to the will of God.
    • Repent means a change of mind.
    • Jesus had authority from quoting Scripture.
    • People had to repent from religion.
    • It was the word of God that brought conviction to hearts that generated hatred.
    • Change your mind on how to be saved.
    • Godly sorrow for your sins.
    • Agrippa wasn't willing to forsake his sins.
  3. Christians are expected to witness.
    • Acts 26:22
    • Witnessing to small and great.
    • Witnessing can end a career.
    • Do right and leave the consequences to God.
    • God can promote you.
  4. Didn't want to be identified as crazy.
    • Acts 26:24-28
    • Christians are identified as crazy.
  • Hell is literal.