June 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for June 2021

Dear family,

Let me begin by saying I am so blessed to have you pray for us and even go the extra mile to support us financially. It is an encouragement to the souls that are reached with the Gospel of Christ and to me also. It’s been years since I got saved and began living for the Lord, and all I can say is that God has been so good.

The past couple of months were filled with great testimonies for what the Lord is doing in our ministry and lives. I am so thankful for the great opportunity to share this news with you because you are a part of what the Lord is doing here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

As newlyweds my wife and I are growing together and serving the Lord amid temptations in the first few months of our marriage. But the Lord in His great mercies and grace helped us and it’s a thing of joy to experience the hand of the Lord in our marriage. My wife has become a great example of servanthood in our new church as she has volunteered to serve as an usher.

We had traveled to a Soul Winning and Leadership Conference at Truth Baptist Church in Abuja and received great teachings from the word of God where I also received my bible college certificate.

Radio Ministry Update

Let me start by saying “Thank You” for supporting this radio broadcast. The Lord has used this radio broadcast in ways I had never imagined and I return all glory to Him. We are now able to reach thousands of people with the Gospel of Christ that led to a gathering of about 20 called-out converts that now gather as a bible-believing church to learn the word of God and to be discipled. Now they go out with me as a team to win other people to the Lord. We have visitors to our new church and daily calls from the radio program asking questions about salvation, asking for prayers and many other bible related questions. Anything the Lord lays on your heart to support this radio program will be a blessing to this ministry. Please be in prayer for our protection as we receive weekly threats due to the preaching of God’s undiluted word. No doubt God is touching lives with His word.

School Ministry Update

By the grace of God I’m able to reach out to schools occasionally with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord has been saving souls as a result of our obedience to His command.

There is this particular Baptist school I go to almost every Friday and on this particular Friday after I preached, these beautiful kids came to me that wanted to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior. Joyfully I led them to the Lord and they accepted Jesus as their Savior. One of them even asked me to pray for his final exams. In a world where so many young people have forgotten God, it’s a great thing when children realize that God is everything. Please take a minute and say a special prayer for young people everywhere, especially those that accept Christ as their personal Savior so that they might grow in faith. This world needs them!

My Mission Trip to Uyo

Grace Independent Baptist Church in Uyo is the church where I served for about three years with my dear mentor Pastor Adesoye before the Lord called me to Benue state to reach my people with the Gospel of Christ. Among the many opportunities to serve the Lord while I was there, it was my privilege to preach the morning and evening service there on Mother’s Day. It was a great time of fellowship!

This is Mrs. Adesoye, a great mother. She cared for me greatly when I was serving there and even after I left. My few days of visitation brought back great memories! It brings glory to the Lord when Christians serve Him selflessly.

This is my dear brother Mfong, a faithful servant of the Lord. While I was with Grace Independent Baptist church in Uyo I had much responsibility. When the time for my departure to Benue state arrived, it became a burden on my heart as to who would assume the duties I had. That’s when the Lord called brother Mfong to the task and it was a blessing to see him still serving faithfully when we visited last month. God bless you brother!

This is my friend Ezekiel, one of the young persons I led to the Lord. When we visited Grace Independent Baptist Church, it blessed me to see him in the church and growing in the faith. Indeed the trip to Grace Independent Baptist Church was a real blessing and I give God all the glory for protecting us on the road and using me to encourage the brethren there.

Street Preaching and Door-To-Door Soul Winning

The Lord has been blessing our door-to-door and street preaching ministry as we get to see many souls saved in spite of receiving many rejections and much humiliation. But it is all a blessing to the glory of God as it keeps us humble.

  1. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7

This is part of our door-to-door soul winning ministry. The Azua family called me after hearing our message on the radio and I went with my soul winning team on a Saturday evening to visit with them and the mother had gathered all of her household and was waiting for us. Oh, what an evening it was! I shared the Gospel with them and most of them believed in Christ for salvation that very day. As it’s a big community, we were able to meet others as well and the Lord blessed it greatly. Please pray for this family as they are trusting the Lord for help with their needs.

This is my secondary school friend, Thedius, whom I have known for many years. Now he is in the university here in Makurdi. The Lord brought him to visit and the Lord then laid it on my heart that day to ask him where he will spend eternity. Oh, what a glorious day it was when he believed in the Lord for salvation! The following Sunday he was with us in the church. All I can say is that the Lord has been blessing His work and he deserves all the Glory and honor.

There have been numerous challenges but through it all, we have learned to trust in God by faith. Again, thank you for praying and supporting us to serve the Lord here in Makurdi. The Lord bless thee and keep thee! Amen!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the continuing salvation of souls.
  • Pray for more laborers.
  • Pray for my home and its challenges.
  • Pray for our church’s growth in faith and service as well as in numbers.
  • Pray for our radio ministry.
  • Pray for protection and safety for the church and for me and my wife.
  • Pray for our street/ door-to-door evangelism.
  • Pray for the school ministry.
  • Pray for our prison ministry, pending approval.

You can give towards this ministry as the Lord lays it on your heart. Some of the basic needs of our church are chairs, a sound system, bibles, and hymn books. We are trusting in the Lord to start a food ministry where we can help the needy with food at least once a month. There is no safety net for people here in Nigeria — nothing is free, not even healthcare. Food is one of the greatest needs of the people who die daily from starvation and it is my desire that as I share the Gospel with them, we will be able to support the people with some food monthly. This is an urgent need, especially after the lockdowns destroyed our economy. Any way you can support this great need will go a long way to winning the lost to Christ. Anything that comes toward this need will not be diverted from food for the needy.

My wife and I are so thankful as we are expecting our first baby and we will appreciate your prayers as we trust the Lord to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Any advice or recommended books regarding Christian parenting will be greatly appreciated. As always you can contact us with the contact button at the bottom of this page which will take you to my Facebook page.

Thank you for being a blessing of the Lord and if you have any prayer requests, please share with us as I will love to be a blessing in any way I’m able. Thank you for reading our newsletter. We love and appreciate you! God bless you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy