Moses’ Report for July 2021
Hello dear family!
It’s another month and I am very excited to share with you the blessings and all the great lessons the Lord has been teaching me on the mission field with my young wife Joy. At this point in our lives we are experiencing the joy of waiting and watching for our baby’s arrival into our family. It’s also a time of joy to witness the souls being won and watching them grow through our discipleship ministry. The joy and excitement of watching the Lord build His church and its members taking part in it goes beyond what mere words can describe! I will try to embellish this miracle of the Lord with the next newsletter.
I really appreciate you for taking time to read our news this month and may the Lord bless you greatly! I also appreciate you greatly for being a part of the Lord’s ministry here in the town of Makurdi, Nigeria. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support! I have great testimonies to share with you and prayer requests.
Our Rescue Mission
It was on a Friday morning, a few weeks ago, during our normal radio program that I received so many calls and text messages. One of the messages was from Dorothy thanking me for the message that day. Then she shared her story with me how a young man had left her pregnant and she wanted to keep the baby. So I encouraged her and invited her to fellowship with us at the church. She came faithfully every time we met until her time to deliver came. She called me on a Monday and said she had gone to the hospital and the doctor told her that she had to have a Caesarean Section but she couldn’t afford it. (Hospitals and doctors in Nigeria won’t treat you without first being paid.) I told her that I couldn’t afford it either but we can pray and the Lord will make a way. So I encouraged her to wait on the Lord and she will deliver like the Hebrew women. So she left the hospital and labored all through the night at home. The baby didn’t come but on Wednesday the Lord directed her to a midwife where she gave birth to a baby boy. We were happy to rejoice with her and thanked God for answering us when we went against the advice of the doctor. The greatest part of this story is that Dorothy asked the Lord to save her before having her son. After accepting the Lord she said to me, “If I had heard this message earlier, I would not have lingered in sin for so long.” Please pray for this young lady as she raises her son and grows in the Lord.
Radio Testimonies
The Lord continues to give us testimonies as we minister to our people with our radio broadcast and it always blesses my heart to see lives change.
Church Service
I am so thankful that the Lord allows us to plant a King James Bible believing, Bible preaching, Bible practicing, people-loving church and it’s a joy to see the Lord building His church. We're small but committed and growing!
Every Sunday I look forward to a time of testimony where I get to hear from our visitors and members of how great the Lord is working in their lives. Last Sunday we had a visitor that traveled an hour to visit our church. After the service he said, “I am blessed and I am asking the church to come do a crusade in my area.” So this month, by the grace of God, we will be having a Gospel crusade at Ikpeyong to reach the people there with the Gospel of Christ.
Street Preaching
Other Events
The Lord is moving greatly in our ministry and even though church planting comes with challenges, we also count many blessings. There has been a great response here to the Gospel and the Lord has blessed us in a way we never imagined. I want to bear witness that our radio ministry is continuing to reach many souls for Christ. All thanks to the Lord for moving hearts to support it!
Prayer Needs
- Pray for our crusade at Ikpeyongu.
- Pray for our revival meeting and ordination in September.
- Pray our church.
- Pray for our monthly open air preaching for salvation of souls.
- Pray for financial provisions of our ministry needs.
- Pray for our prison ministry still pending approval.
- Pray for my wife’s safe delivery of our baby.
Thank you so much, dear family, for taking time to read our newsletter. I want to express appreciation and gratitude to all of you for praying and supporting financially to propagate the Lord’s Gospel. At the same time I’m trusting the Lord for provisions to help some of our members with food as some of them are refugees. So if the Lord lays it on your heart to give for that need, know that anything we receive will go towards helping those in great need.
You are always welcome to contact us with your prayer requests or questions and I am always glad to be in touch with you.
God be with you and bless you richly!