August 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for August 2021

Dear family, I will start by saying peace be unto you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is another great privilege for me to share with you what the Lord is doing in our ministry here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

First, I appreciate you for all the prayers, financial support and words of encouragement among the many ways you have blessed us. The Lord has been faithful in leading us to reach so many people with the Gospel by different means.

  • Monday evenings, we have open air preaching;
  • Tuesdays at 6:30pm (Nigeria time), we have our radio ministry in the Tiv language. If you are wondering which language that is, you can visit my sermon page to hear it.
  • Wednesdays is our prayer meeting and bible study;
  • Thursdays I travel an hour to disciple some of our radio converts at Ikpayongu. I will tell you more about it below;
  • Fridays at 10:45 am (Nigeria time), we broadcast our radio ministry in the English Language. Then in the evening we have soul winning;
  • Saturdays we go out again sharing the Gospel.

Now I mentioned all this so you can know how to pray with us.

Discipleship at Ikpayongu

A few weeks ago, we had traveled to Ikpayongu to disciple some new converts who were the fruit of the radio ministry. There we reached a young man by the name of Nelson who had traveled about an hour to fellowship with us there. After the service he told me, “Pastor, there are many of my friends that need to hear the Gospel.” So we prayed and on the 26 August, he gathered some of his friends in a hall and I went and shared the Gospel with them. The Lord led me to many other souls there as well. Please pray for me as I continue to disciple these new believers in Christ.

Here is a picture of myself, Elijah and Nelson on my left after our last discipleship. The lighting is poor because it's behind instead of in front. I'm learning!

The teaching section of our discipleship class at Ikpayongu. I am asking your prayers upon us as we raise an army for the Lord in this village to go out and preach the Gospel of peace.

Radio Ministry

Repeatedly, again and again, God is faithful! On a weekly basis, we reach people with the Gospel across the world through the radio and many lives have changed. The Lord provided for us a Hall where we fellowship to study God’s word and pray with the converts from the radio ministry and those converts we meet on the street. Thank you for your giving so we can rent a place to worship in peace.

We have 30 chairs here but we need 2 dozen or more in addition to the ones we have. Please pray and consider being a part of the Lord's work

Our church service where souls find salvation and converts are discipled. Heaven is rejoicing! Please have us in your prayers for a greater harvest.

Here are some of the blessed children that were around for bible study at Ikpayongu. Most of them have parents that are not Christians and we trust the Lord that we can reach these parents with the Gospel through their children. The potential here is great! Please also pray for Nelson. He is starting a school to train orphans and the less privileged children. He has been working really hard to prepare a place for our discipleship class at Ikpayongu before I arrive each Thursday. He is a wonderful young man that wants to be a blessing.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our evangelical team;
  • Pray for the salvation of souls;
  • Pray for peace in Benue state. The Fulani herdsmen are killing alot of people again;
  • Pray for our Thanksgiving service the first week in October;
  • Pray for our prison ministry which has stalled for approval;
  • Pray for my wife as we expect the arrival of our first baby soon.

To help me serve you better with this newsletter, give me some feedback as to what content you would like to see and what content you don’t like seeing. I want to be the best I can be for everyone but I can’t know your needs and desires unless you tell me.

Thank you very much for reading our newsletter! Use the convenient contact button below to share your own prayer requests and/or any question you might have. Be assured of our prayers! To give to our ministry, please click the donation button below. God bless you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy