May 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for May 2022

Moses Nyiku ― the servant of the Lord ― preaching the gospel, making disciples, planting churches.

THANK YOU to our partners, co-laborers, mentors and readers. I rejoice to share with you about what the Lord is doing through our ministry here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

I want to start by saying the heart of our fellowship ― Praise and Glory Baptist Church ― is evangelism and more than ever before these last few weeks has been a revival call to all the people of Makurdi and Benue state at large through several platforms.

Soul Winning Marathon

During the first week of May, we hosted Abuja’s bible college students for a week of evangelism and it was indeed a revival call for the people of Makurdi. Because many Believers are not obeying the command to go and win souls, many were shocked to see many young Believers going out to share the good news. It was a revival call to our new church as many people made the decision to be soul winners. We knocked on doors and preached on the streets, with many believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Providence Baptist College and Seminary students singing a song special

We had great attendance with 10 new first-time visitors

Soul winning on the street with other believers

Open air street preaching

We stood just in front of the bar preaching the Gospel


During our soul-winning marathon, 6 people were baptized and given the word of God to read and study.

To my left is Mrs. Denen along with her family

This family joined the church after I witnessed to the husband in his workplace. When they came to church, I discussed baptism with them and I discovered that Mrs. Denen had infant baptism, which is totally meaningless to an infant. Therefore, I taught them what the bible says about baptism. The next time we were having baptism, this woman came forward to be baptized and when I asked her “believeth thou?” she said “Yes, I believe in Jesus!” and shared her testimony with the others.

Radio Ministry

Thank God for the privilege of teaching the word of God on the radio, which reaches many with the Gospel of Christ! A disabled man who rarely goes out for anything was the last visitor we had from the radio converts. He heard the bible teaching and afterwards called me. He wanted to come and fellowship where God’s word is preached and so he did. Though he has not been able to attend regularly, he has been listening to my teachings on the radio. The radio ministry has many converts who are physically far from the church but we disciple them through the radio.

Mr. Kwaghza

Answered Prayers

We were praying for provisions to pay the church rent and the Lord has provided for our rent for another year. In deed, the Lord has been faithful!

Family Testimony

I thank God for my family. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful daughter and God has been keeping both of us in good health. Thank you dearly for praying and supporting us.

Again, I want to appreciate our partners, co-laborers, mentors and readers. Thank you for reading our prayer letter!

Prayer Request

  • Pray with our vision:
    • To reach the lost with the Gospel
    • Disciple the saved
    • Plant many bible-believing churches
  • Pray for our financial needs

Thank you for reading our newsletter! Let us know how we can pray for you because we love and appreciate you.

Pastor Moses, Joy, and Eva Sewuese Nyiku.