January 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for January 2020


I thank the Lord for the call to serve Him in preaching the Gospel of Christ to the lost. I thank you all who have been supporting me financially and with prayers to reach the lost. I pray the Lord rewards you richly.


I went on a mission trip to the northern part of Nigeria on the 8th of January and it was a great success.

I was allowed the privilege to preach at St. Cecilia’s Secondary School which is so dear to my heart because about 3 years ago I preached in this school and taught the students memory verses. Now after three years they could still remember the memory verses and songs and it was a great time of sharing the gospel with them. Without any doubt I believe hearts were touched because mine was.

These kids were so excited when I gifted them some gospel tracts after I finished preaching. It brings great joy to a preacher’s heart to see young people responding to the gospel. Join me in prayer for these young people that they would grow in faith and love in the Lord.

Tuesday I went to Bright Thought Secondary School where the students stopped their classes and gathered in a hall to listen to the gospel. The turnout and eagerness of these students was great and it warmed my heart to see it. It’s unique to me because some schools turned me down but the students were so willing to hear. After the preaching they burst into singing.

It’s amazing to me that so many young people are so eager to hear the Gospel. Here at Victory International School I preached and gave the gospel to hundreds of students who were happy to have me preach to them. Afterwards the eager students ask a lot of questions.

Here are my cousins Terseer and Waneyoo who asked if they could join me as I was reading my Bible. I preached Christ to them and encouraged them to read God’s word. Please join me in prayer for my cousins to grow in the grace of our Lord.

Here I preached at Salvation Baptist Church Chafui and enjoyed sweet fellowship there. My time there was awesome and I believe hearts were touched by God’s word.

Motorbikes were my primary transportation which allowed me to cover greater distances than I could on foot alone. What made it so great was the opportunity I had to preach to a lot of bikers.

Be praying for this new church’s growth at Great Faith Baptist Church in Makurdi where I also preached.

Be encouraged in your walk with the Lord. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise and He is not willing that any should perish.

  1. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
2 Peter 3

The Lord has commissioned Christians to preach the Gospel to every creature, so stop giving excuses why you can’t go soul winning and do something for the Lord.

  1. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16

Someone out there will hear about the Saviour if we go or even encourage someone to continue in their faith. I urge you all to reach out and show a little kindness that will help someone along the way.

I was almost in tears when I went to preach in prison. Nigerian prisons are wretched places of human misery where there’s little to no hope. Only the Gospel of Christ can bring hope to these prisoners where many are imprisoned for their debts in an impoverished country. Indeed the prison ministry is a most needed ministry.

Upcoming Events

By the grace of God I will be relocating to Makurdi that’s my original home. For a long time I’ve been praying that the Lord will allow me to reach my people with the gospel. In Makurdi I plan to preach in the prison every last Friday of each month, start a radio ministry once a week, preach in the schools twice a week, and continue door-to-door soul winning and street preaching. My plans will also include helping a new church there and traveling to preach revivals as the Lord leads. I will really appreciate your prayers.

How You Can Support Financially

  1. The prison ministry will need items to give to the prisoners. Some of the prisoners are so impoverished, even women, that they have no shoes, no blanket and other necessary things. Any gift will be a blessing to these prisoners and they will know that God loves them and that God’s people care about them. Consider GIVING to be a blessing.
  2. The cost for the radio ministry is $50 once a week where thousands of people will hear the message of salvation. I plan to preach in English and my native language. I’m expected to pay for 13 weeks (3 months) for starters. Please consider being a part of sending the gospel to the lost.
  3. My rent of $600 is due in March. If the Lord lays it on your heart, please pray and consider supporting me financially.

Thank you for taking time to read my newsletter. You can forward your prayer request to me at FaceBook if you have any and I will be glad to pray with you. If it makes it easier to donate, Heather Idoni, an adoptive mother of 15 sons, has agreed to accept donations for my behalf and she can be contacted via FaceBook. God bless!