April 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for April 2020

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

My country has been locked down but the Lord has been working in my life during this trying time. However God has admonished us to be thankful in every situation.

  1. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5, KJB

I am so thankful to God and to you my praying partners. Your prayers and support have been a blessing to the ministry of “Bringing the Gospel to Africa’s Lost” and the world-at-large. The Lord is answering prayers and it’s been a blessing to me personally to see the salvation of souls.


The radio ministry has been touching lives and I receive calls daily from people who have been touched by the program “Bringing the Gospel” on the airwaves of Radio Benue 95 FM. You can listen to this program wherever you are by downloading the Radio Benue Android app. at the play store. I have been able to meet with some of these callers and there is a great need for bibles, especially as I am praying and planning to start meeting with these converts for bible study. Please pray for God’s people to provide bibles for these new converts.


Blessed Jerome is the producer of Bringing the Gospel. He wanted to stay in the studio with me just to listen to my sermons. After my last sermon on Honesty, he was so moved by the message that he asked me a lot of questions which turned out really great. I plan on doing more evangelical work with him. Please pray for us.

Mrs. Dooyum is one of the converts I visited with. She testified that the radio broadcast has been a great blessing to her and her little daughter. She has struggled through a lot in her life and now she’s come to know Jesus. God’s word indeed changes life and its power cannot be denied. I will make time to visit more converts this month and my desire is to teach them the word of God.

Here is Great Faith Baptist Church where we meet for now in a school classroom with a few people. It’s been a blessing working with Pastor Jonah here in Makurdi and we trust the Lord to provide a place to rent where we can worship. We still meet for church and the fellowship has been great. We will appreciate your prayers and support on this work.

Prayer Requests

  • The salvation of souls.
  • Encouragement of Christians to get involved with our radio broadcast such as airtime support where the cost is 15,000 naira (~$40 USD) to broadcast weekly.
  • The lockdown ends soon and I will be able to start the prison and school ministry with the gospel.
  • Please pray and consider being a part of the Lord’s work here.

Thank you for being a part of my life and ministry, and you can reach out to me with prayer requests and questions via Facebook button below. I want to be a blessing. All my radio broadcasts are on YouTube where they’re always shared on my Facebook page. So check in to listen to Bible preaching.

Thank you for reading my newsletter!

God bless and keep you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku from Nigeria

Mrs. Dooyum’s testimony.

Hello God — sung by Dolly Parton

Hello God, are you out there?
Can you hear me, are you listenin' any more?
Hello God, if we're still on speakin' terms
Can you help me like before?
I have questioned your existence,
My resistance leaves me cold
Can you help me go the distance?
Hello God, hello, hello

This old world has gone to pieces
Can we fix it, is there time?
Hate and violence just increases
We're so selfish, cruel and blind
We fight and kill each other
In your name, defending you
Do you love some more than others?
We're so lost and confused

Hello God, are you out there?
Can you hear us, are you listenin' any more?
Hello God, if we're still on speakin' terms
Can you help us like before?
Oh, the free will you have given
We have made a mockery of
This is no way to be livin',
We're in great need of your love
Hello God

Hello God, can you grant us
Love enough to make amends
(Hello God) Is there still a chance
That we could start again
Hello God, we've learned our lesson
Dear God, don't let us go
More than ever
Hello God, hello, hello

Hello God, we really need you
We can't make it without you
(Hello God) We beseech you
In the name of all that's true
Hello God, please forgive us
For we know not what we do
Hello God, give us one more chance
to prove ourselves to you

Hello, God; hello, God
Hello, God; hello, God