May 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for May 2020

Grace be unto you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

With a heart full of gratitude I write to thank you — my prayer partners, supporting churches and families. May the Lord reward you for giving to the work of God and being a blessing to the Ministry and my life.

The global lockdown affected most ministry areas but nothing and no one can lockdown God and souls are still getting saved.

  1. And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
Luke 10, KJB

Some years ago the Lord gave me a vision to reach my people of Benue state here in Nigeria with the Gospel of Christ. As I began praying about my heart’s burden, I was serving with a church ministry as its youth pastor, a really big privilege. But over a period of about three years, my burden to return home became ever so much greater and I started praying to God to show me how to start.

I had known the Lord wanted me to be an evangelist but I was overwhelmed by the logistics of where to start. The lord laid the radio ministry on my heart and it was scary to me because of all the unknowns. I knew a lot of people would listen to my preaching and I would be criticized by many. Not knowing where the needed finances were going to come from also scared me.

But in the midst of fear and anxiety the Lord showed Himself through faithful men and women that believed in what the Lord was calling me to do and I got the needed funds and encouragement to get started with the weekly radio broadcast. From the beginning of this broadcast I’ve been receiving calls from people that have been blessed and touched by the preaching of God’s word. Some of these people called me and begged me to meet them and help them get right with God. It’s always a blessing to hear their testimonies because so many were so far from God.

The Lord has shown me that I am doing what He wants me to do because His Spirit has gone out before me and touched the hearts of the wicked where some of them have wept in repentance and joy. Yes, some folks predictably are angry upon hearing me but all I can do is pray for them that God’s word gets a hold of their hearts and brings them understanding. The joy I experience with the Lord is greater than any the world can offer.

The sermons from the radio ministry are available now on my blog for those who want to just listen to them or even to download them. Just go to the homepage of this newsletter by clicking on the top photo and it will take you there. From there locate the button “Download Moses Radio Sermons” located near the top of the page and click it.

Here is Maxwell. He heard me preach on the radio about “Something Worse than Sin” and he called me for a meeting and was very thankful. We’ve been in touch right from that time and just last week I invited him to church and he came. It was really great to have him as a brother. He is a good man and really wants to please the Lord with his life. Please pray for Maxwell’s spiritual growth and continued conviction.

Maxwell’s Testimony

Mr. Paul is another young man who called me some weeks ago. He testified how the message was a blessing to him. I have a heart for these young people and it’s my desire to see them grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mr. Paul’s testimony

This woman is a widow and she gathers her children every Friday to listen to the Gospel as I preach. I was able to visit this family in their small home and lead them to the Lord that very day. My heart really aches for their hardships and I would love to support them financially if it was in my power. If you would love to be a blessing to this widow as the Lord provides, that would be a really great blessing to her. She is a widow indeed.

  1. If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.
1 Timothy 5, KJB

Prayer Requests

  1. Hopefully schools will open here soon and we are trusting the Lord to reach schools also with the Gospel.
  2. Trusting the Lord to reach the prisons also as the lockdown is over and I am planning to take supplies to prisoners as I go every last Friday of the month. You can be a part of the prison ministry as well.
  3. I plan to be travelling to preach revival meetings as the Lord leads. Please be in prayer for me and the Lord’s work.

A Great Need

Preaching the Gospel on the radio and seeing many people get saved is good but these converts need a church to continue growing in their faith and service to the Lord.

  1. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 10, KJB

Pastor Jonah Moses started a church here two years ago where we meet in a remote area in a school that’s difficult for people to find and the environment is also not good. As such there hasn’t been much fruit and my arrival here was also to help grow this church as the Lord allows. I believe the location of a church is important to its ministry. Therefore your prayers and support are needed so Great Faith Baptist Church can rent a good place to worship and disciple!

Thank you so much for being part of my life and ministry. Please join me in prayer as I trust the Lord for a wife. I haven’t found yet but I trust the Lord will lead me to her soon.

Be sure to contact me with your prayer requests as I want to be a blessing to you in any way I can. Let’s keep growing on for the Lord in this wicked world. Thanks for reading my newsletter! Until next month, stay blessed, safe and the Lord be with you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

Leading People To Salvation - A Shepherd Of Pure Heart

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Leading People To Salvation - A Shepherd Of Pure Heart