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Moses Nyiku: Bringing the Gospel to Africa's Lost

January 2023 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for January 2023


Thank you for partnering with us to touch many lives with the Gospel of Christ.

Refugees in Benue State, Nigeria

We started the year 2023 with taking the Gospel to the refugee camp in Daudu, Benue state where we reached about four hundred children with the Gospel of Christ.

Special thanks to brother Gaius Itodo who travelled all the way from Abuja to partner with our church to help the refugee children.

Moses with the Refugee Children

Brother Gaius Teaching a Bible Song

Items Donated to the Refugee Children

Special thanks to those that supported financially. After sharing the Gospel with the children, we also gave gifts that were donated by caring believers.

These are other basic things that will be a blessing to the children of the refugee camp, giving them a haircut once a month, buying them sandals and writing material, and helping some to learn a trade. Learning a trade will take at least 6 months. You can sponsor as many children as the Lord leads to learn a trade while they are being discipled in the word of God. I desire to visit every month to share the Gospel and share supplies.

If you can donate, a one-time gift or monthly donation will enable me to fellowship with those undergoing persecution at least once a month.

As you may or may not know, these crises are still ongoing. Here in Benue state, just a few days ago, many were killed close to the refugee camp.

(Please pray for Benue state, Nigeria)

Street Preaching Update

Praise the Lord! We received an AGM board with a “see three things God cannot do.” This is a wonderful tool I use to share the Gospel at Uyo state with Grace Independent Baptist Church. We have been able to use this board on the street to preach with great responses to the Gospel.

It’s also a great privilege to host Brother Kwaghkaha, who has been knocking on doors with us, telling people about Jesus Christ. He is indeed a faithful soulwinner for the Lord. A few days ago, he received a beating because of the boldness he has for the Gospel but he rather rejoices in it. He also preached for us on the 22 January 2023.

Fellow Laborers

The Lord has blessed me with a great number of young people who go out soul winning with me daily and work with me in the church. Some are new converts who have a heart to serve the Lord with their lives. In spite of their extreme poverty, where many of these people depend on me for feeding and dwell contently at our fellowship hall, they are only too glad to be alive and serve the Lord as best as they can. I count it as a great blessing to have an army that goes out to win souls every day, but any financial support from other believers to help care for the basic needs of these soldiers, will be greatly appreciated by all!

Answer to Prayers

I appreciate you for praying for Brother Victor whose testimony I gave and for whom I asked for prayers in my last letter. He is now leading music in the church and is a faithful soul winner. It’s just a joy to see him growing in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Victor Leading Music

Church Anniversary Update

This year will make it two years since we planted Praise and Glory Church Makurdi and the Lord has blessed the church in so many ways, I cannot imagine. We have fellowship in suffering and in goodness of the Lord.

We average 40–50 in fellowship; it’s just a joy seeing people getting saved and baptized. Please pray that many people will be saved during our church anniversary. We will be organizing a 3-day revival conference and we want to print Gospel tracts to share and handbills to invite people to come hear the Gospel, if we get the financial support for it.

Church Service

Radio Ministry Update

Unfortunately, we are not able to renew our radio payment this quarter as yet. Please pray and consider supporting this ministry financially if it’s within your means to do so. BROTHERS FM has been such an encouragement to those who have no access to a church. The sound of the radio takes the Gospel to where I’m not able to go. The cost that we are required to meet is 1500 naira a week or $45 USD.

This Month’s Radio Visitors

Prison Ministry Update

Our monthly Prison Ministry continues this year on every last Monday of the month. The inmates have many needs so it’s easy to be a blessing to them if anyone wants to donate to that cause.

Bible Donations

We appreciate the bible donations we have been receiving. It's been such a tremendous blessing! Many people that we are able to reach now have a bible in their hands to read. We are excited to get more bibles for distribution, especially with the church anniversary and revival conference coming up soon.

Thanks to IBC Calabar for donating hymnals and bibles to us!

Prayers for Our New Church Plant


PASTORED BY Brother Acka.

Any gifts towards the many needs of this new church will help in bringing the Gospel to the lost.

Our ministry survived through the love gifts of believers all over the world. I invite you to be part of our ministry, by praying and supporting us financially. You can give specifically to any of our ministry needs, projects or even a gift to our family.

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

If you would love to donate to the Lord’s work, please contact my mom Heather Idoni or me linked below.

Moses Nyiku on Facebook
email: hidden from spam robots
phone +2347066125875

Heather Idoni on Facebook


December 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for December 2022


We appreciate you for praying for us. The year 2022 has been a tremendous year. We started the year with great hopes that the Lord will do great things through us and He has done much more than we had asked or thought. The family, that was attacked by the Fulani herdsmen and then we hosted, have returned to their farm and are doing well with the support of caring believers that I am thankful for. Although the people have so little, they are willing to share to ease the burdens of others. Who knows? They could be next in need of help.

Mr Cosmass and Family

Street Evangelism

We have a great team of soul winners that goes out to share the gospel on the streets of Makurdi in and out of season. The Lord has blessed us to see many souls saved.

Our Soul Winning Team

The first person on my far right with the glasses is my cousin, brother Victor. I remember three years ago I went to visit some of my relatives and upon my arrival, I saw Victor smoking and I remember being angry about it. I removed the cigarette from his mouth, which made everybody unhappy and we lost communication with Victor. Then in early November, I received a call from Victor and he said, “I WANT TO KNOW THE LORD! I now realize that you removed the cigarette from my mouth because you love me.” Now he is saved, a soul winner and a student of the bible. I was privileged to baptize Victor on 25 December 2022 in Believer’s Baptism. Only the Lord can do this miracle. Please support Victor with your prayers.

Victor’s Baptism

Radio Ministry

The radio ministry for me is a great avenue to share the Gospel with thousands of people locally. Sixty percent of our church population are the new converts from the radio ministry. Just recently an elderly man visited the church, testifying how the bible teaching from the radio had been a blessing to him.

Unfortunately at this time we have not been able to renew our quarterly payment, so from January our radio ministry will be on hold. All these ministries and the church itself exists only because of Christians who care to be a part of it with their support. I’m just one man and I can’t do it alone without the people pitching in.

Mr Fidelis, Our Recent Radio Convert

Door Knocking

Door knocking is one the most challenging methods of evangelism in this part of the world. Most people claim to be busy but the LORD led us to a family that listened and many of them believed the Gospel. On the 25th of December, 4 from that household obeyed the Lord in baptism alongside Victor.

One of the young men told me, “Pastor, I want to go home wet the same way my mother returned home when she was baptized.” Thank God for parents that are being a good example! Pray for spiritual growth.

The Baptismal Candidates

Prison Ministry

The Lord has opened a door to share the Gospel to all the prisons in Benue state with the help of CLI. Presently we visit one of the prisons on the last Monday of each month.

Our Volunteers

This Month’s Items That We Gave to the Inmates

We are trusting the Lord to reach the other four prisons in the state. Inmates have written us requesting help and prayers. If you wish to hear and pray for specific needs, please contact me.

New Church Plant

The Lord has turned a bible study that started from under a mango tree into a local church which is averaging 24 people that come to fellowship. Believers from another area took up a collection to rent what is being used now as a meeting hall and benches. As seen here, there are many needs at this new church plant. The floor needs repair. There is also a need for a speaker system, fans and electricity. Things are rather primitive right now.

But the people rejoice to be in the presence of a holy God and are glad to be sheltered from the elements during times of fellowship. The pastor of the new church plant is pastor Victor Acka. The name of the new church is VANDE (ROCK) BAPTIST CHURCH DAUDU. Please support these new believers with your prayers and gifts as they would continue to grow in faith and knowledge.

Revival Meeting

First Revival Meeting

We conducted revival meetings which gave our church members the opportunity to invite their family members and friends to come listen to the Gospel. It was such a blessing to have missionary Israel Thompsons with us and many other preachers that attended as well.

My family, the church and I and are so thankful for what the Lord is doing.


An inherent trait of all rental agreements is the insecurity associated with it. If the rent stops or raises to unacceptable levels, ownership changes, or repurposed use of the rental, tenants can be removed without recourse. For this reason, this local church desires to get a landed property. We also recognize the many hardships that the world's economy has imposed on so many people. Therefore we are leaving this matter in the Lord's hands as to whether we continue in our risk as tenants or be delivered from it. Please pray that the Lord reveals His intentions for us.

If you want to donate towards any of the ministries listed above, please contact Heather Idoni who handles most of our finances. While many people want to remain anonymous, I will give recognition to anyone for their gifts if they desire it.


Thank you for being a part of many redeemed lives and our ministry.


October 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for October 2022


We appreciate you for praying for us. We are experiencing spiritual and numeric growth with many people getting involved to serve in areas where they can. Our SOUL WINNING team grows as people are added to the church. For the last few months, we hosted one of our church families that was attacked by the Fulani herdsmen for about two weeks with the support of other believers. Thank God now that they can return to their home where they were able to do some farming and care for themselves.

Street Evangelism

We were privileged to host Missionary Lang, Missionary Patricia Hamburg and Pastor Justin in early October Sunday evening and Monday. We travelled to a location where I have hosted bible studies and done open air preaching. Many people gathered to listen to the Gospel that led to the salvation of many. I believe the Lord is opening the door for another bible-believing church in Daudu, Benue state, Nigeria.

Sunday Evening Fellowship

Street Preaching in Daudu

Radio Ministry

Many people have been listening to the Gospel through the radio ministry. On several occasions I have come across people during my street evangelism and door knockings that testify that they have been listening to our radio broadcast.

I am following up on some callers through the phone. We have many coming to fellowship and are now part of bringing the Gospel to the lost.

Another Life is Changed

This dear lady was so discouraged about a situation in her life. While returning home on a Friday from where she had travelled, she decided to tune in with her car radio. It just happened to be the time I was preaching and after listening, she called me and said the message was medicine to her soul as she found relief. She was comforted and joins our fellowship whenever the doors are open. We’re so happy to see God’s word actively changing lives.

Door Knocking

I was out evangelizing with one of my radio ministry converts when we met Mr. Terngu Shawon who was saved by listening to the Gospel preaching on the same radio station that my convert also had tuned in to hear me preach.

Thank you for praying and supporting us all this time to reach so many people with the Gospel through the radio.

Mr. Shawon and Myself

Prison Ministry

The Lord has opened a door to share the Gospel to all the prisons in Benue state. Presently we go every last Monday of the month. WE’RE TRUSTING THE LORD TO SAVE MANY SOULS THROUGH THE PRISON MINISTRY.

At the Prison Yard

Thank you for praying for my family. Twelve months ago the Lord blessed us with a beautiful baby girl named Eva Nyiku. We’re thanking the Lord for another year of God’s faithfulness.

The Lord has blessed us with a great location for meeting and we are praying and trusting the Lord that eventually the owner would be interested to sell this location to us if it’s the Lords will and work.


Thank you for being a part of many lives and our ministry.


Grace of God (220903)

Atheist Dad Is Transformed
After Glimpse of Heaven
as Toddler Son
Is Taken Off Life Support


A family who lost their 2-year-old son due to respiratory complications of the flu virus 11 years ago have said that what God did for their lives, and in the lives of others through their son, has been nothing short of a miracle.

A former atheist, dad Darin Hamm shares his story of how a glimpse of Heaven transformed him and led him on a journey of faith, while his late toddler son, Griffin, was given only a few hours to live before he was taken off life support.

Darin Hamm with his wife, Jennifer, and two sons, Dylan and Griffin. (Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

A Gifted Child

Darin and his wife, Jennifer, say their toddler son, Griffin, a bright-eyed little boy with beautiful curly blonde locks of hair, was a “content, happy, and observant child who loved what all boys do—tractors, cars, and being outside with his daddy.”

“It took seven years to have him,” his parents told The Epoch Times, “and he was a gift from God.”

Darin and Jennifer Hamm’s son Griffin.
(Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

Facing Trials in Marriage and in Faith

Although parenting Griffin and their older son, Dylan, went smoothly for Darin and Jennifer, the father of three said they’d been going through a very difficult time in their marriage.

Jennifer described that, during that time, her husband dealt with a profound amount of anger and frustration toward others. It was not uncommon for him to get into an altercation with someone who upset him at the store or out in the community. He was often unpredictable, and she’d been counseled to consider divorce. However, she struggled and found hope through her faith.

On the other hand, Darin said he was a proud atheist who “hated Christians,” feeling they were usually inauthentic and the many he knew were corrupt. He said he often dealt with people who claimed to believe in God but didn’t live a good life.

As an owner of a large business in the Central Pennsylvania region, in an area where many professed faith, he often felt discouraged by others’ behavior and became further angered as a result.

Thus, when Jennifer would visit churches, looking for a place for Griffin to be baptized, Darin would tell her she was chasing “the invisible man,” referring to a God he didn’t believe existed.

Experiencing Heaven and a Glimpse of Eternity

However, on a cold January day in 2011, things took an unusual twist for the Hamms. After days of Griffin being on life support due to an unforeseen turn in his ability to breathe, Darin had an experience that would change the course of his life.

The family had been in the hospital at that time for four days and were told that Griffin was brain dead and that in 24 hours, they were going to disconnect him from life support.

“I told the doctors that I didn’t want to guess every time someone walks in the room if they’re going to do that, so I needed them to set a time,” Darin said. “So it was 4:30 p.m. when we had this conversation, and so they said the next day at 4:30 p.m. they’d remove the life support.”

Both the parents were told by Griffin’s medical team that they were going to unwrap his head, and the couple was given permission to lie down with him. Darin watched Jennifer as she lay down with her son for hours, knowing she didn’t have much time left with him.

“At 11 o’clock, she said, ‘I feel terrible, I haven’t shared,'” Darin said. “She got up, and I laid down with him.”

However, for Darin, the last few hours with Griffin were completely different. As he lay down for 30 minutes, everything around him was getting darker with each passing minute, he said.

“I wasn’t able to comfort him at all. It was too much for me,” he said. “It was the first time in my life that anything was too much. I sat in a chair and I looked at him and said aloud, ‘I am not man enough. I can’t comfort my own son, with 14 hours left.'”

Not wanting to give up, however, he tried to summon up the courage and lie down with Griffin again. Finally, the third time he lay down with him, Darin touched his hair and grabbed his hand like a handshake. He recalls telling him, “I never even got to teach you how to shake hands, Griffin.”

What unfolded next was a transformative experience that changed Darin’s life forever. The following is what he shared:

Right there, at that moment, I was GONE. Like … lifted out of my body … gone. I was traveling with him. He was ahead of me, and he was looking back at me. He had his right hand behind him, and my left hand was holding his hand. We were traveling. It felt fast, but it wasn’t the wind. I could only see blue, and there was communication happening with me. I would get lots of information from what seemed like the atmosphere.

My initial response to Griffin was, “I can’t believe this is happening,” and he would look at me and his smile was just so large and he was so alive. But, when he would look away from me, I would become very ill, similar to the state I was in when I felt I wasn’t tough enough to comfort him. Then, he would look at me again, and that feeling would go away. It was just so intense … the love I felt, and then he would look away. The third time he looked away, I was so sick and nauseated by my own feelings of not being enough, and I thought to myself, “You’ve got to toughen up. This is a rare moment you are getting with your son. He is alive.” This time, Griffin looked at me, and he laughed. He knew my thoughts, and he knew them deeply. He chuckled and said, “Daddy, you aren’t sick!” I knew all of what he meant at that moment, spiritually and emotionally. I was NOT sick!

And then … I experienced the love of God. He was everywhere. He was the blue I saw, and totally encompassed me. I could see the things I had done in my life, the things I thought were good decisions but they weren’t. I could see business decisions that I made that were so wrong, because the perspective with which I made them had been selfish. I was supposed to be my brothers’ keeper. I didn’t take care of people like I should have. I felt God say that He’d put people in my life to take care of them, but I hadn’t. I could see these things play out and God showing me in a very peaceful and loving way, not a critical way. It was harsh, but so loving at the same time. Everything made sense.

I could see eternity, and see it precisely. It was to be outside of time. It was very clear to me there that Griffin, in his two years, did more than most men in one hundred years could conceivably do. His life was truly precious and accomplished.

We got to what seemed like the end, and it seemed Griffin was trying to introduce me to someone. His attention went somewhere and then he looked back at me. And then, he asked me, “Daddy, may I stay?” It was a yes or no question. I knew that I could say no, and that he would have been alive when I got back. It was crystal clear. But you know what I said? I said well beyond “You could stay.” I said, “Wow, son. Of course you can stay!”

Darin remembers clearly that the moment he uttered the word, “Wow,” he was back in his bed in the hospital shaking his son’s hand, and at that moment, everything was “really over.”

“That love that I felt there in heaven … it was clear that the most I could ever do with all the love I could ever muster up, was a tenth of one percent of the love that I experienced that God had for me,” Darin said of his profound experience.

Lives Transformed Through Realization of God’s Love

When doctors came in to take Griffin off life support, Darin found himself with a “peace beyond comprehension.” Jennifer recalls that, at that time, she knew something was different because he was comforting everyone else.

“I was not as affected by what was happening because my reality was what I was shown in heaven,” Darin said. “Eleven years later, that is my reality. I didn’t know if what I experienced would somehow wear off, or if the knowledge and memory of what I saw would fade.”

His journey toward faith might have been different compared to others and came on rather “dramatically and instantly.” However, he believes it’s stronger than ever now.

Jennifer said that, in the weeks following Griffin’s passing, her husband kept repeating the line, “Life is about love and relationship.”

(Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

Darin believes that these were the words he was given while he had the vivid experience of a glimpse of heaven. The encounter made him a completely different man who then had a sudden insatiable desire to read the Bible and learn everything he could about God.

He went down a path where he wanted to let everyone know about God, mend past relationships, and make things right with people in his life. Everyone was surprised and couldn’t believe how he’d changed, as he went from being an angry and volatile person to being patient, loving, gracious, and caring.

“It has been 11 years, and I see how he has totally changed, like a new creation,” Jennifer said. “I started to love my husband again, watching him love Jesus and love others.”

Purpose Redefined

Over the years, it’s not only Darin’s life that’s changed; he’s also made it his life’s focus to share God’s love with others.

He wants people to know that “Heaven” is real and that God’s love for us is unquestionable. He believes life is short and that our purpose is to love and serve God and one another.

In an attempt to help others, Darin has spoken to those who have questions about life and has developed a ministry around helping people on the verge of suicide.

For Darin, he knew it was like God gave him the ability to share hope with them. He strongly believes that people who are in crisis somehow end up in his path, so that he can help them to know about God’s love and about eternity.

Meanwhile, Jennifer went on receiving counseling after Griffin passed away. She remembers finding herself in a sad place over and over again.

However, one day, her counselor told her that nothing he could say to her would make her situation be less painful, but he asked her a poignant question.

“He asked me if I had any blessings in my life,” she recalled, “and then he advised me to begin thanking God for those blessings before I lose them. So I began to force myself, before I prayed and went over my laundry list of concerns and complaints, to thank God for each and every blessing in my life—and it totally reprogrammed my mind.

“I don’t know where we’d be if this never happened.”

Two years after Griffin changed his address to heaven, Jennifer and Darin were blessed with a daughter, named Alaina.

Jennifer quit her job and began staying at home to savor every moment of seeing her daughter grow up.

Jennifer and Darin with their daughter, Alaina.
(Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

Dylan, who loved his brother with all his heart, is now married and lives close to his parents. Darin and Jennifer are so proud of both Dylan and Alaina.

“God didn’t have to do this, but He has been so gracious. He has helped me to have joy after all this pain,” Jennifer said. “God has been so good in the midst of this.”

[L–R] Jennifer, Darin, Alaina, Brooke (Dylan’s wife), and Dylan.
(Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

Blessed Assurance

In January this year, Jennifer added another poem to the many she has written for her son; Griffin would have been 13.

“I have a lot of questions, but by the time I get to heaven, it won’t matter. I trust God’s plan is bigger than mine,” the mother of 3 said. “This is such a little part of life. Heaven is forever. This is all just a blink of an eye.”

Both parents confidently express that they know Griffin is with the Lord, and that, one day, they’ll all join him, and this time, it will be for eternity.

(Courtesy of Jennifer Hamm)

May 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for May 2022

Moses Nyiku ― the servant of the Lord ― preaching the gospel, making disciples, planting churches.

THANK YOU to our partners, co-laborers, mentors and readers. I rejoice to share with you about what the Lord is doing through our ministry here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

I want to start by saying the heart of our fellowship ― Praise and Glory Baptist Church ― is evangelism and more than ever before these last few weeks has been a revival call to all the people of Makurdi and Benue state at large through several platforms.

Soul Winning Marathon

During the first week of May, we hosted Abuja’s bible college students for a week of evangelism and it was indeed a revival call for the people of Makurdi. Because many Believers are not obeying the command to go and win souls, many were shocked to see many young Believers going out to share the good news. It was a revival call to our new church as many people made the decision to be soul winners. We knocked on doors and preached on the streets, with many believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Providence Baptist College and Seminary students singing a song special

We had great attendance with 10 new first-time visitors

Soul winning on the street with other believers

Open air street preaching

We stood just in front of the bar preaching the Gospel


During our soul-winning marathon, 6 people were baptized and given the word of God to read and study.

To my left is Mrs. Denen along with her family

This family joined the church after I witnessed to the husband in his workplace. When they came to church, I discussed baptism with them and I discovered that Mrs. Denen had infant baptism, which is totally meaningless to an infant. Therefore, I taught them what the bible says about baptism. The next time we were having baptism, this woman came forward to be baptized and when I asked her “believeth thou?” she said “Yes, I believe in Jesus!” and shared her testimony with the others.

Radio Ministry

Thank God for the privilege of teaching the word of God on the radio, which reaches many with the Gospel of Christ! A disabled man who rarely goes out for anything was the last visitor we had from the radio converts. He heard the bible teaching and afterwards called me. He wanted to come and fellowship where God’s word is preached and so he did. Though he has not been able to attend regularly, he has been listening to my teachings on the radio. The radio ministry has many converts who are physically far from the church but we disciple them through the radio.

Mr. Kwaghza

Answered Prayers

We were praying for provisions to pay the church rent and the Lord has provided for our rent for another year. In deed, the Lord has been faithful!

Family Testimony

I thank God for my family. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful daughter and God has been keeping both of us in good health. Thank you dearly for praying and supporting us.

Again, I want to appreciate our partners, co-laborers, mentors and readers. Thank you for reading our prayer letter!

Prayer Request

  • Pray with our vision:
    • To reach the lost with the Gospel
    • Disciple the saved
    • Plant many bible-believing churches
  • Pray for our financial needs

Thank you for reading our newsletter! Let us know how we can pray for you because we love and appreciate you.

Pastor Moses, Joy, and Eva Sewuese Nyiku.

March 2022 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for March 2022

Moses Nyiku the servant of the Lord, preaching the Gospel, making disciples, planting churches.

  • I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 2:20, KJB

THANK YOU to our Partners, Co-laborers, Mentors, and Readers! I rejoice to share with you about what the Lord is doing through our ministry here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

As much as I am always glad to share news with you about our ministry, I apologize for having not providing updates about our ministry for the last few months. There has been Christian persecution and tribal crisis, especially in the northern part of Nigeria and the middle belt region where we are, but in the midst of it, the Lord has been protecting and using us to win souls to Christ.

The Lord has blessed us with so many platforms to BRING THE GOSPEL TO AFRICA’S LOST.

Door-To-Door Evangelism

I must say it is quite old-fashioned to many when they see us knocking on doors. I received a wonderful testimony a few months ago when my partner Kasuwa, which means “market,” went door knocking with me. (It has become a joke with us that he is the only Christian market that I know.) Our routine begins by knocking on a gate and waiting for a response, which consists of either being met with snarling hungry dogs whereupon we immediately leave, or a loud voice demanding, “Who be that?”

  • Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.
Luke 10:3, KJB

However, this very gate had the “Who be that?” response, so I said, “We be bible preachers.” Then this woman opened the gate and called her three daughters out and they all listened to the Gospel. All three daughters believed on Jesus for salvation; their mother was already a Believer. My heart was touched when the woman told us that it’s been more than 10 years since someone knocked on their gate to share the Gospel.

  • Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
Luke 10:2, KJB

My dear brother Kasuwa.

My dear brother Kasuwa.

Kasuwa is one of the first converts that started meeting at my home for bible study, which now has grown into PRAISE & GLORY BAPTIST CHURCH MAKURDI. And yes, we are still knocking on doors to evangelize.

Street Open-Air Preaching

With this platform, we go to a community and set up speakers who preach the word of God. I remember an unusual incident a few months ago when we went out for open-air preaching in a certain community. As I was preaching, an angry bedeviled man came out from his house, attempted to browbeat us with false accusations of disturbing the neighborhood, and characterized our preaching as offensive noise, which discouraged me, and we departed.

  • For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:
Acts 24:5, KJB

However, on the following Sunday, someone from that very community visited the church and said, “I heard your preaching when you came to our community.” God’s word cannot return to Him void.

My good friend Arin preaching on the street.

Open air preaching where many gather to hear the Gospel.

Radio Ministry

Our radio ministry always receives a lot of questions and testimonies from the listeners who tune in. Lately however, I have received more of them than usual, of which I will share one with you. Every Friday from 7:00 – 7:30 pm, I broadcast our radio program: ANZA IOR, TIV; BRINGING THE GOSPEL, ENGLISH. One Friday evening after preaching, a young man called me, saying several times, “Thank you, pastor!” He came to church with his friend that Sunday and at the invitation, they both believed in Jesus Christ for salvation. After the service, he confessed to me that he had done so many bad things that he thought God would not forgive him. He said he had been to church only once in his lifetime and the second time was when he was saved. As I rejoiced with him, he said, “Now, even if I die, I know where I am going!” Even though I have not seen him since, I am sure that his eternal destiny is secured with that young man because he believed in Jesus.

  • Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1:18, KJB


Peter and his friend.

By my right hand is a young man that was passing by while the church service was on, so I went out and invited him in. He was embarrassed because his clothes were dirty, but I said, “Come as you are!” So he came in and got washed by the blood of Jesus! Glory be to God!

  • But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Isaiah 64:6, KJB

I thank God for the privilege to share the Gospel of Christ to thousands of people on the radio. Thank you for sponsoring the radio broadcast!

Update on Church Growth

The Lord has been adding to His church daily. The spiritual growth has been tremendous! The word of God has been speaking for us and to us as we have seen many lives changing. Last week in March, we had a revival conference with Missionary Israel Thompsons and “Mom” Sarah Thompsons. Many people believed on Jesus for salvation and two were baptized.

Revival Service.


Joseph’s baptism.

Alice’s baptism.

Prayer Requests

  • Thank God for your families as do we for our families, especially our baby Eva Sewuese Nyiku.
  • Pray for our radio ministry for power upon me as I preach.
  • Pray for God to give us boldness in open-air preaching.
  • Pray for God to give us boldness in door-to-door evangelism.
  • Pray for a discipleship class that I will be starting soon to train more soul winners.
  • Pray for provisions.

Thank you for reading our newsletter! Let us know how we can pray for you because we love and appreciate you.

Pastor Moses, Joy, and Eva Sewuese Nyiku.