October 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for October 2021

The Joy of Becoming a Christian Father

Lord, I thank you for your mercy, kindness and love toward us that we would be worthy to be the servants of God. Lord, I thank you for our supporters that you provide for them to be able to support us. Lord, I thank you for the missionaries and all that are preaching the Gospel of Christ. Lord, I thank you for everything and for everyone.

This month the Lord shows up in our lives and ministry in several ways and we will share with you. As you have been praying for us, you should also rejoice with us.

Eva, Our First-Born Daughter

Eva and Her Delighted Daddy

In the early morning hours of Friday, the 22nd of October around 4:00am, my wife woke me up to say that something was going on and she couldn’t sleep. We rushed to the hospital and the doctor then informed me that my wife was in labor. I couldn’t believe it because earlier the doctor predicted that my wife would deliver her baby on 28 November and there was yet a month to go.

At this point, I was troubled that our baby would be premature. As we waited, my wife and I were talking and praying. Before long, however, the doctor decided to move my wife to the delivery room. In about an hour, I heard my baby’s cry and oh! My heart leaped for joy! Just minutes after the cry, my wife walked out of the delivery room so strong and to the glory of God!

We returned home that same day and there were no complications. Baby Eva was born so big and mature. Now my neighborhood calls me “Daddy Eva.” God has really blessed us!

Eva’s Naming Ceremony

After seven days had passed, neighbors and friends gathered at our house where we shared a meal and the Gospel of Christ, and finally we announced the name “Eva Sewuese Nyiku” for our baby to everyone. Then people gave gifts to Eva and we all rejoiced and worshipped the Lord.

Crusade at Daudu

Early in October, Pastor Hange Jonathan, a pastoral friend, visited us. We went out every day with a bible, power pack, gospel tracts and speakers to preach the Gospel. We did crusades in four areas and many souls received Christ for salvation.

However, Saturday turned out as a day that the Lord was leading us. We started the day as before, going door-to-door knocking. Early that afternoon I had to return home and cook for my wife. She was carrying our baby Eva and could not get around so much.

Afterwards the Lord led us to travel to Daudu, a nearby village of my childhood. As usual, we needed to find a location for our crusade that evening. The Lord blessed us with a location that was in front of an empty clinic. As we went into the village to invite people to our crusade, some of the people had heard me preach on the radio making me something of a radio celebrity coming to visit their village. Some others also knew me when I was a little boy that made me a hometown celebrity to them. Right from the start, the prospects were looking positive.

We started singing at 6pm at our crusade location and people began to gather. When we started preaching, over 300 souls had gathered to hear the Gospel preached. Then God moved many souls to come forward at the invitation and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour! It was such a blessed thing to see God moving and blessing so many!

Visitors from Daudu Crusade

That Sunday morning, nine people from Daudu came to our church to fellowship with us. How great it was to be a part of God’s miracle!

Baptism of Believers

I really appreciate the beautiful baptismal tank that my adopted parents Mr. and Mrs. James Idoni provided to us! Already I have used it recently to baptize four people from Daudu.

No classes are necessary for baptism. If you’re a child of God, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t follow the Lord in baptism. Salvation is very simple ― only by grace, not of works. Baptism, church membership, paying money or doing good deeds cannot save you. Only the crucified blood of Jesus through grace can save you from the wrath of God.

  1. And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert.
  2. And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship,
  3. Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet.
  4. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.
  5. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?
  6. And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.
  7. The place of the scripture which he read was this, He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth:
  8. In his humiliation his judgment was taken away: and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth.
  9. And the eunuch answered Philip, and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this? of himself, or of some other man?
  10. Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
  11. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
  12. And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
  13. And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
  14. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.
Acts 8, KJB

To the best of my knowledge, Acts 8:27 records the first conversion and baptism of a Gentile, an Ethiopian, into the Lord’s church. The harvest in Africa is indeed ripe for the harvest. Our people are hungry for truth and salvation. They are the easiest of Gentiles to win and yet the most neglected. Join us in this effort to reach these lost souls and reap to yourselves a crown in eternity.

  1. Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.
Luke 10, KJB

Rejoice with us for what the Lord is doing in Benue state, Nigeria. It is a joyful thing to make heaven rejoice because of our obedience to the command of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel to every creature. I encourage you today to go out and win a soul.

Radio Ministry Update

Mr. John, a retired civil servant, loves listening to our radio ministry. Mr. John called me one day to invite me to his house and take a bag of oranges he had. I then shared those oranges with students at a nearby school ― a rare treat for some ― and preached the Gospel to them as well, and they rejoiced greatly. Every week people visit us from our radio ministry and it’s a joy to see some of them grow and become soul winners.

Church Growth

The Lord has been faithful in growing HIS CHURCH as He promised. Daily the church is adding people as we lift up Christ in the streets, knock on doors and evangelize. Five months ago, we started the fellowship with about six people who now have grown and are serving in different capacities in the church. Now we average about 30 on Sunday mornings. On the first week of November, we had a Thanksgiving service with about 70 souls in attendance with five baptisms. Oh, God’s been thoroughly good.

Revival and Thanksgiving Service

The Street Comes to Church

The Queens of Tarkuruku, Benue Land, a singing group, came to worship with us, which was a great opportunity for us to give them the Gospel. One of their Queens is a member in our church and she invited her group to come hear the Gospel of Christ. So we prayed about it and we believe God would want them to come. They came and we allowed them to sing to us. We listened to them sing and then they listened to us preach the Gospel. I believe the Gospel of Christ touched many. Now we are following up with them.

The Queens of Tarkuruku

  1. And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.
  2. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?
  3. But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
Matthew 9, KJB

When this account is read, the question that should be raised that most people miss is: WHY did the publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and His disciples? We know that the publicans and sinners didn’t sit with the Pharisees. The obvious answer would be: Jesus and His disciples had something that the publicans and sinners wanted that the Pharisees didn’t have.

The Lord’s church today is now in the same position. If its testimony is good as Jesus’ testimony was, then the world will want it too and they will come and “sit down” with the church. Rather than block unsaved sinners from church, as the Pharisees would do, the church would share the Lord’s priceless gift of eternal life that the world is seeking and never finding.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for wisdom to disciple converts.
  • Thank God for blessing us with a baby.
  • Pray for wisdom for my wife and me to raise up baby Eva in the way of the Lord.
  • Pray for provisions
  • Pray for our new bible study at Daudu.

A New Feature on Our Blog

After the sudden onslaught of the Corona virus unleashed upon the world, the world has suddenly become so crazy with dictators everywhere imposing draconian restrictions on a free people where it’s hard to make sense of it. It might sound strange to hear but all this madness is actually by design and purpose. This blog will be running a series of special posts that will study the history behind it all ― with evidence ― and its ultimate goal confirmed by God's word itself. We know that history constantly repeats itself because unbelievers learn nothing from history to make amends. Nor do they care to ― the devil controls their minds and emotions. However, these dictators repeat a conspiratorial pattern often seen in their attempt to attain their ultimate goal. Having this knowledge of understanding the game plan can save your lives by guiding your decisions.

  1. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hosea 4, KJB

One of the duties the church has is to provide truth and knowledge. We now have access to a huge library of e-books. Some we will be reviewing here for your edification, which if you want them, we’ll provide to you for a modest donation to support the many needs of this growing ministry. If you have one in mind, you can ask for it and we’ll check to see if it’s available. In any case, let Pastor Nyiku know what format you need for your e-books ― the most popular are PDF and EPUB ― and we’ll try our best.

Thank you for being a part of this great work the Lord is doing here in Benue state. Your prayers and financial support is highly appreciated. Thank you for reading our newsletter and we look forward to hearing from you if you have a question or prayer request.

To support our ministry please click the donate button below. The Lord be with you

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

August 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for August 2021

Dear family, I will start by saying peace be unto you from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is another great privilege for me to share with you what the Lord is doing in our ministry here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

First, I appreciate you for all the prayers, financial support and words of encouragement among the many ways you have blessed us. The Lord has been faithful in leading us to reach so many people with the Gospel by different means.

  • Monday evenings, we have open air preaching;
  • Tuesdays at 6:30pm (Nigeria time), we have our radio ministry in the Tiv language. If you are wondering which language that is, you can visit my sermon page to hear it.
  • Wednesdays is our prayer meeting and bible study;
  • Thursdays I travel an hour to disciple some of our radio converts at Ikpayongu. I will tell you more about it below;
  • Fridays at 10:45 am (Nigeria time), we broadcast our radio ministry in the English Language. Then in the evening we have soul winning;
  • Saturdays we go out again sharing the Gospel.

Now I mentioned all this so you can know how to pray with us.

Discipleship at Ikpayongu

A few weeks ago, we had traveled to Ikpayongu to disciple some new converts who were the fruit of the radio ministry. There we reached a young man by the name of Nelson who had traveled about an hour to fellowship with us there. After the service he told me, “Pastor, there are many of my friends that need to hear the Gospel.” So we prayed and on the 26 August, he gathered some of his friends in a hall and I went and shared the Gospel with them. The Lord led me to many other souls there as well. Please pray for me as I continue to disciple these new believers in Christ.

Here is a picture of myself, Elijah and Nelson on my left after our last discipleship. The lighting is poor because it's behind instead of in front. I'm learning!

The teaching section of our discipleship class at Ikpayongu. I am asking your prayers upon us as we raise an army for the Lord in this village to go out and preach the Gospel of peace.

Radio Ministry

Repeatedly, again and again, God is faithful! On a weekly basis, we reach people with the Gospel across the world through the radio and many lives have changed. The Lord provided for us a Hall where we fellowship to study God’s word and pray with the converts from the radio ministry and those converts we meet on the street. Thank you for your giving so we can rent a place to worship in peace.

We have 30 chairs here but we need 2 dozen or more in addition to the ones we have. Please pray and consider being a part of the Lord's work

Our church service where souls find salvation and converts are discipled. Heaven is rejoicing! Please have us in your prayers for a greater harvest.

Here are some of the blessed children that were around for bible study at Ikpayongu. Most of them have parents that are not Christians and we trust the Lord that we can reach these parents with the Gospel through their children. The potential here is great! Please also pray for Nelson. He is starting a school to train orphans and the less privileged children. He has been working really hard to prepare a place for our discipleship class at Ikpayongu before I arrive each Thursday. He is a wonderful young man that wants to be a blessing.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our evangelical team;
  • Pray for the salvation of souls;
  • Pray for peace in Benue state. The Fulani herdsmen are killing alot of people again;
  • Pray for our Thanksgiving service the first week in October;
  • Pray for our prison ministry which has stalled for approval;
  • Pray for my wife as we expect the arrival of our first baby soon.

To help me serve you better with this newsletter, give me some feedback as to what content you would like to see and what content you don’t like seeing. I want to be the best I can be for everyone but I can’t know your needs and desires unless you tell me.

Thank you very much for reading our newsletter! Use the convenient contact button below to share your own prayer requests and/or any question you might have. Be assured of our prayers! To give to our ministry, please click the donation button below. God bless you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

July 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for July 2021

Hello dear family!

It’s another month and I am very excited to share with you the blessings and all the great lessons the Lord has been teaching me on the mission field with my young wife Joy. At this point in our lives we are experiencing the joy of waiting and watching for our baby’s arrival into our family. It’s also a time of joy to witness the souls being won and watching them grow through our discipleship ministry. The joy and excitement of watching the Lord build His church and its members taking part in it goes beyond what mere words can describe! I will try to embellish this miracle of the Lord with the next newsletter.

I really appreciate you for taking time to read our news this month and may the Lord bless you greatly! I also appreciate you greatly for being a part of the Lord’s ministry here in the town of Makurdi, Nigeria. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support! I have great testimonies to share with you and prayer requests.

Our Rescue Mission

This is Dorothy and me.

It was on a Friday morning, a few weeks ago, during our normal radio program that I received so many calls and text messages. One of the messages was from Dorothy thanking me for the message that day. Then she shared her story with me how a young man had left her pregnant and she wanted to keep the baby. So I encouraged her and invited her to fellowship with us at the church. She came faithfully every time we met until her time to deliver came. She called me on a Monday and said she had gone to the hospital and the doctor told her that she had to have a Caesarean Section but she couldn’t afford it. (Hospitals and doctors in Nigeria won’t treat you without first being paid.) I told her that I couldn’t afford it either but we can pray and the Lord will make a way. So I encouraged her to wait on the Lord and she will deliver like the Hebrew women. So she left the hospital and labored all through the night at home. The baby didn’t come but on Wednesday the Lord directed her to a midwife where she gave birth to a baby boy. We were happy to rejoice with her and thanked God for answering us when we went against the advice of the doctor. The greatest part of this story is that Dorothy asked the Lord to save her before having her son. After accepting the Lord she said to me, “If I had heard this message earlier, I would not have lingered in sin for so long.” Please pray for this young lady as she raises her son and grows in the Lord.

Radio Testimonies

The Lord continues to give us testimonies as we minister to our people with our radio broadcast and it always blesses my heart to see lives change.

Here is one of our faithful listeners. He came to our place of worship just to testify about how the Lord is using our messages on the radio to bless him. There is a great awakening here. I am asking for your prayers regarding the spiritual growth of all the people that are coming to Christ. The harvest truly is plenteous. Also pray for more laborers here in the field. We trust the Lord for a great revival.

Church Service

I am so thankful that the Lord allows us to plant a King James Bible believing, Bible preaching, Bible practicing, people-loving church and it’s a joy to see the Lord building His church. We're small but committed and growing!

The joy of having a family church.

Charley Pride was America’s first black superstar who won the hearts of millions internationally with his rich baritone voice and simple truths of enduring love and reverence of God. In fact he is second only to Elvis Presley in the number of recordings sold. It is almost an anomaly in this age of endless divorces and same sex relationships that he was married 44 years to the same woman who was faithfully at his side when he went to the Lord on December 12, 2020.

Family Bible

I've Just Found Another Reason for Loving you

Every Sunday I look forward to a time of testimony where I get to hear from our visitors and members of how great the Lord is working in their lives. Last Sunday we had a visitor that traveled an hour to visit our church. After the service he said, “I am blessed and I am asking the church to come do a crusade in my area.” So this month, by the grace of God, we will be having a Gospel crusade at Ikpeyong to reach the people there with the Gospel of Christ.

One of the greatest parts of our service also is when people have an opportunity to have some personal dealings with the Lord. With all my heart I believe there is an awakening and I am asking for your prayers for the growth of this church.

Aside from our bible study on Wednesday, we have a ministry for the youth which involves music, soul winning classes and some small prayer groups. My days are filled with activities and it’s a joy to impact the lives of the wonderful people the Lord has given to us.

Street Preaching

Walking the street of Makurdi with the Gospel of Christ has been a great part of our ministry and the Lord has been blessing this greatly as He always leads us to those hungry and ready for the truth.

Here is my newest friend Hephzibah. I will never forget the day I met this young man. It was on a Thursday evening while I was on the street preaching close to our place of worship. I saw him passing and called him to come over. I gave him a Gospel tract though he thought I was a businessman advertising my product. But when he came closer, he realized I was a messenger representing my Maker. So after he told me his name, I then asked him, “What instrument can you play?” and he said, “Guitar. I have been longing to play a guitar.” When I told him that I have a guitar, he followed me and I gave him my guitar. We went back to the street where I was preaching and there we sang praises to the Lord for about two hours. Then I shared the Gospel with him. He is now one of our faithful young people at the Church.

Other Events

This is a wedding of a dear brother in the Lord Mr. Zahemen where I was privileged to be among the officiating ministers. It was a blessing to hear a great message about marriage.

The Lord is moving greatly in our ministry and even though church planting comes with challenges, we also count many blessings. There has been a great response here to the Gospel and the Lord has blessed us in a way we never imagined. I want to bear witness that our radio ministry is continuing to reach many souls for Christ. All thanks to the Lord for moving hearts to support it!

Prayer Needs

  • Pray for our crusade at Ikpeyongu.
  • Pray for our revival meeting and ordination in September.
  • Pray our church.
  • Pray for our monthly open air preaching for salvation of souls.
  • Pray for financial provisions of our ministry needs.
  • Pray for our prison ministry still pending approval.
  • Pray for my wife’s safe delivery of our baby.

Thank you so much, dear family, for taking time to read our newsletter. I want to express appreciation and gratitude to all of you for praying and supporting financially to propagate the Lord’s Gospel. At the same time I’m trusting the Lord for provisions to help some of our members with food as some of them are refugees. So if the Lord lays it on your heart to give for that need, know that anything we receive will go towards helping those in great need.

You are always welcome to contact us with your prayer requests or questions and I am always glad to be in touch with you.

God be with you and bless you richly!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

June 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for June 2021

Dear family,

Let me begin by saying I am so blessed to have you pray for us and even go the extra mile to support us financially. It is an encouragement to the souls that are reached with the Gospel of Christ and to me also. It’s been years since I got saved and began living for the Lord, and all I can say is that God has been so good.

The past couple of months were filled with great testimonies for what the Lord is doing in our ministry and lives. I am so thankful for the great opportunity to share this news with you because you are a part of what the Lord is doing here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria.

As newlyweds my wife and I are growing together and serving the Lord amid temptations in the first few months of our marriage. But the Lord in His great mercies and grace helped us and it’s a thing of joy to experience the hand of the Lord in our marriage. My wife has become a great example of servanthood in our new church as she has volunteered to serve as an usher.

We had traveled to a Soul Winning and Leadership Conference at Truth Baptist Church in Abuja and received great teachings from the word of God where I also received my bible college certificate.

Radio Ministry Update

Let me start by saying “Thank You” for supporting this radio broadcast. The Lord has used this radio broadcast in ways I had never imagined and I return all glory to Him. We are now able to reach thousands of people with the Gospel of Christ that led to a gathering of about 20 called-out converts that now gather as a bible-believing church to learn the word of God and to be discipled. Now they go out with me as a team to win other people to the Lord. We have visitors to our new church and daily calls from the radio program asking questions about salvation, asking for prayers and many other bible related questions. Anything the Lord lays on your heart to support this radio program will be a blessing to this ministry. Please be in prayer for our protection as we receive weekly threats due to the preaching of God’s undiluted word. No doubt God is touching lives with His word.

School Ministry Update

By the grace of God I’m able to reach out to schools occasionally with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord has been saving souls as a result of our obedience to His command.

There is this particular Baptist school I go to almost every Friday and on this particular Friday after I preached, these beautiful kids came to me that wanted to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior. Joyfully I led them to the Lord and they accepted Jesus as their Savior. One of them even asked me to pray for his final exams. In a world where so many young people have forgotten God, it’s a great thing when children realize that God is everything. Please take a minute and say a special prayer for young people everywhere, especially those that accept Christ as their personal Savior so that they might grow in faith. This world needs them!

My Mission Trip to Uyo

Grace Independent Baptist Church in Uyo is the church where I served for about three years with my dear mentor Pastor Adesoye before the Lord called me to Benue state to reach my people with the Gospel of Christ. Among the many opportunities to serve the Lord while I was there, it was my privilege to preach the morning and evening service there on Mother’s Day. It was a great time of fellowship!

This is Mrs. Adesoye, a great mother. She cared for me greatly when I was serving there and even after I left. My few days of visitation brought back great memories! It brings glory to the Lord when Christians serve Him selflessly.

This is my dear brother Mfong, a faithful servant of the Lord. While I was with Grace Independent Baptist church in Uyo I had much responsibility. When the time for my departure to Benue state arrived, it became a burden on my heart as to who would assume the duties I had. That’s when the Lord called brother Mfong to the task and it was a blessing to see him still serving faithfully when we visited last month. God bless you brother!

This is my friend Ezekiel, one of the young persons I led to the Lord. When we visited Grace Independent Baptist Church, it blessed me to see him in the church and growing in the faith. Indeed the trip to Grace Independent Baptist Church was a real blessing and I give God all the glory for protecting us on the road and using me to encourage the brethren there.

Street Preaching and Door-To-Door Soul Winning

The Lord has been blessing our door-to-door and street preaching ministry as we get to see many souls saved in spite of receiving many rejections and much humiliation. But it is all a blessing to the glory of God as it keeps us humble.

  1. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7

This is part of our door-to-door soul winning ministry. The Azua family called me after hearing our message on the radio and I went with my soul winning team on a Saturday evening to visit with them and the mother had gathered all of her household and was waiting for us. Oh, what an evening it was! I shared the Gospel with them and most of them believed in Christ for salvation that very day. As it’s a big community, we were able to meet others as well and the Lord blessed it greatly. Please pray for this family as they are trusting the Lord for help with their needs.

This is my secondary school friend, Thedius, whom I have known for many years. Now he is in the university here in Makurdi. The Lord brought him to visit and the Lord then laid it on my heart that day to ask him where he will spend eternity. Oh, what a glorious day it was when he believed in the Lord for salvation! The following Sunday he was with us in the church. All I can say is that the Lord has been blessing His work and he deserves all the Glory and honor.

There have been numerous challenges but through it all, we have learned to trust in God by faith. Again, thank you for praying and supporting us to serve the Lord here in Makurdi. The Lord bless thee and keep thee! Amen!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the continuing salvation of souls.
  • Pray for more laborers.
  • Pray for my home and its challenges.
  • Pray for our church’s growth in faith and service as well as in numbers.
  • Pray for our radio ministry.
  • Pray for protection and safety for the church and for me and my wife.
  • Pray for our street/ door-to-door evangelism.
  • Pray for the school ministry.
  • Pray for our prison ministry, pending approval.

You can give towards this ministry as the Lord lays it on your heart. Some of the basic needs of our church are chairs, a sound system, bibles, and hymn books. We are trusting in the Lord to start a food ministry where we can help the needy with food at least once a month. There is no safety net for people here in Nigeria — nothing is free, not even healthcare. Food is one of the greatest needs of the people who die daily from starvation and it is my desire that as I share the Gospel with them, we will be able to support the people with some food monthly. This is an urgent need, especially after the lockdowns destroyed our economy. Any way you can support this great need will go a long way to winning the lost to Christ. Anything that comes toward this need will not be diverted from food for the needy.

My wife and I are so thankful as we are expecting our first baby and we will appreciate your prayers as we trust the Lord to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Any advice or recommended books regarding Christian parenting will be greatly appreciated. As always you can contact us with the contact button at the bottom of this page which will take you to my Facebook page.

Thank you for being a blessing of the Lord and if you have any prayer requests, please share with us as I will love to be a blessing in any way I’m able. Thank you for reading our newsletter. We love and appreciate you! God bless you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

April 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for April 2021

Thank you for taking time to read our newsletter so you can know how to be a part of BRINGING THE GOSPEL TO THE LOST.

I will start by saying the need is great: people need the Gospel and so many die every day without Christ. I believe that the death of a believer is not a tragedy but the death of an unbeliever is the biggest tragedy the world is experiencing. While all are appointed to die, yet we need to rescue people from that eternal death with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Hebrews 9, KJB

Jesus said if He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him.

  1. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
John 12, KJB

It is our mission to reach out to the lost and lead them to Jesus Christ with the Gospel, and then disciple them to go forth with the same Gospel and rescue the perishing and pray for the dying.


In the middle of last month my wife and I went on a trip to preach the Gospel for the first time as a couple. Pastor Adewale had invited me to teach a Single Adults’ Sunday School program in his church with my wife. In the past he was my teacher and mentor in Bible College and inspired me greatly with his godly example and zeal for God’s work. During our stay there, Pastor Adewale’s family also hosted us. It was indeed a blessed time teaching God’s word and fellowshipping with other people of like faith. Our time was blessed further when 5 people accepted Jesus that day for salvation.

We then visited Missionary Israel Thompsons and his Baptist Heritage Home where he cares for the orphans and manages the home. It was a refreshing time for us to see the progress of God’s work. As a young couple we garner all the wisdom we can get from our visits.

When we visited Mr. Agada’s family, he shared his testimony of salvation with me. He once believed that he had to work for salvation and had followed religion and trying to make it on his own. Things were impossible and it was depressing him until he met Jesus Christ and believed in him only for salvation. Mr. Agada refreshed my mind with a hymn that said My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.

Let me ask you: Has your faith found a resting place? If your answer is “no” then believe in Jesus Christ today and your faith will find a resting place.

  1. Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah 6, KJB

Update on
Our Radio Program

Our radio ministry for the past 15 month has been a medium to reach out to the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We broadcast every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Tiv language and every Friday at 10:30am in English. Through this radio ministry we were reaching people on the air and started a fellowship with them. News of our fellowship has grown and every Sunday we have visitors from the radio broadcast that come to hear the Gospel. God’s doing great things here in spite of the challenges and we still see the hand of God in this ministry.

Terkuma was saved through our radio ministry.

Street Preaching

Another answer to prayer and revival is the Lord moving those people, who have come to Christ through my soul winning efforts, to join me as a team to lift up Jesus Christ in the streets of Makurdi to others who need Jesus in their lives.

We now go out as a team. The Lord is doing great things here to the glory of his name! Many souls have been saved through our street preaching and we have shared countless Gospel tracts with the lost every day.

Abraham and his friend were reached through our street preaching and came to fellowship with us.

I met these school girls while street preaching and they joyfully accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Prayer Requests
for Upcoming Events

  1. A 3-day mission trip to Grace Independent Church in Uyo.
  2. A soul winning outreach to Taraku, a village near Makurdi.
  3. An open door to start a prison ministry. Request for approval is still pending.
  4. Starting an annual Youth Revival meeting.

This concludes the summary of what the Lord is doing through the ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL. Your support to this ministry is greatly appreciated and whatever you are able to give will be used for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our radio broadcast for Tuesday and Friday every week cost 15000 naira, $45. You can give as the Lord lays on your heart to other areas of our ministry also as listed above in the prayer requests.

Thank you once again for taking time to read our newsletter. You can reach out to us with any questions or prayer requests you may have and I will gladly pray with you.

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

Message from James Modlish: Almost Persuaded

James Modlish has been building churches in New York, Washington, and Colorado, and is now pastor of Huerfano Community Bible Church, Walsenburg, Colorado. His message “Almost Persuaded” to his church, First Bible Baptist Church, in the 1980s is presented here for your edification.

  • Acts 26:19-28
  • Paul stands accused by religious leaders.
  • Paul speaks to the king of his need to be saved.
  • The king is almost persuaded to be a Christian.
  • Why didn't the king get saved?
  • Almost doesn't count for salvation.
  • What's a true Christian?

4 reasons Agrippa didn't get saved.

  1. Stubbornness of the human will.
    • The fear of becoming a disciple.
    • Acts 11:19-26
    • God uses persecution to scatter the disciples.
    • They were called Christians by their enemies because they were being like Christ.
    • The criticism was a compliment.
    • God's will for us is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
    • Agrippa knew this about Christianity.
    • Acts 26:12-14
    • The stubbornness of the human will.
  2. Repentance of sins.
    • Acts 26:18-20
    • The first act of salvation is to submit your will to the will of God.
    • Repent means a change of mind.
    • Jesus had authority from quoting Scripture.
    • People had to repent from religion.
    • It was the word of God that brought conviction to hearts that generated hatred.
    • Change your mind on how to be saved.
    • Godly sorrow for your sins.
    • Agrippa wasn't willing to forsake his sins.
  3. Christians are expected to witness.
    • Acts 26:22
    • Witnessing to small and great.
    • Witnessing can end a career.
    • Do right and leave the consequences to God.
    • God can promote you.
  4. Didn't want to be identified as crazy.
    • Acts 26:24-28
    • Christians are identified as crazy.
  • Hell is literal.