February 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for February 2021


Welcome to a new day and a new month!

It’s my honor to share with you what the Lord is using us to do here in Benue state in Nigeria. I will be giving you some updates about our radio ministry, testimonies from our house discipleship, upcoming plans about planting a local church, more great testimonies from door-to-door soul winning and street preaching.

Update about Our Radio Program.

I am always grateful first and foremost for the Lord’s faithfulness and for the sacrificial giving of believers that keep us airing God’s word on the radio. We trust the Lord to renew our upcoming payment in the first week of April. A week is 15000 naira, $45 USD. Please consider praying for us.

Testimonies of Salvation

Divine on the left has been listening to our radio program and had longed to meet me for a long time. Then on the 4th of March the Lord brought us together along with his twin brother, Marvelous, who also came around. I was able to share the Gospel with them whereupon they both believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Lord has been moving greatly in the Lord’s work here. Many souls have been won to the Lord through the radio ministry, street preaching, and door-to-door soul winning. Lately we started a Facebook page to propagate the Gospel further through social media and thousands of people across the world listen to Gospel preaching through it and we have received a number of encouraging life changing testimonies of salvation and healings.

I counsel daily with the people that listen to our radio program on salvation questions and other issues of life. Many people are difficult to reach with the Gospel of Christ because of starvation through a poor economy. But we do what little we can for these poor souls and give the Gospel to those that will listen.

Soul Winning Update

When I first moved to Makurdi I was alone and was doing evangelism by myself. When I prayed for a soul winning partner, the Lord gave me a double portion. He gave me a beautiful wife who also became my soul winning partner. Now with the discipling, some of our converts join me for soul winning. What a joy it is to see people get saved! Then they bear fruit as they also begin reaching other people with the Gospel of salvation.

This is Kasuwa who was reached with the Gospel of Christ through the radio ministry. We started discipling and now he goes with me street-preaching the Gospel of Christ.

House Fellowship

As of March last year I moved back to my hometown of Makurdi in Benue state during the lockdown, which was about the same time that I started the radio ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL. After that I was discipling the converts from the radio ministry wherever we could meet. But when I got married I wanted a good church where my wife could grow spiritually. Wanting a good church became my burden, so we went in search of a good church and could not find any. So one Sunday I told my wife that we are going to fellowship with the Lord in our house which was really strange to my wife because it is not a Nigerian tradition to meet in the home for church but — Praise the Lord! — she obeyed and so we fellowshipped with the Lord from that time forward. What is unique is that some of our radio ministry converts also started coming and joined us in fellowship which has been growing ever since. That’s a big miracle and only the Lord can draw His people together like this.

  1. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
  2. Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Acts 2, KJB

When I started the radio ministry a few months ago I never knew that we would be able to start a discipleship class which would soon thereafter become a local church, but God has been faithful and blessing His work in a great and mighty way. My home is our meeting place for now and the Lord has been visiting us.

God has been faithful and the fellowship is growing. Here is me and my wife, Mr. Kasuwa and his wife, Torkuma, and another young man who were saved through the radio broadcast and now want to learn more of God’s word and grow in grace.

I am praying and trusting the Lord to provide us a place of worship and I know that the Lord will do it. I don’t know how but I am sure He is able. I am asking for your prayers and financial support for this great need. We live in an area where Pentecostalism, Catholicism, and Paganism dominate society. I believe there is a great need for a Bible Believing soul-winning church here.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our prison ministry. We are still waiting for approval from the prison office.
  • Pray for the salvation of souls.
  • Pray that the Lord provides us a place of worship for our growing membership.

I appreciate you all for fervently praying for us and the Lord’s work here in Makurdi, Benue state, Nigeria. Thank you for the financial support and your encouraging messages.

We are here to serve the Lord and to serve the people in any way we can. Believe me, there is a great need for the Gospel of Christ in the world today and Nigeria is no exception. Thank you again for being a part of bringing the Gospel to the lost.

Thank you also for reading our newsletter and you can reach out to us with your prayer requests and I will be glad to be of help to you in any way I can.

God be with you!

Evangelist / Pastor Moses Nyiku and his wife Joy

A Message from James Modlish : Adam — A Type of Christ

James Modlish has been building churches in New York, Washington, and Colorado, and is now pastor of Huerfano Community Bible Church, Walsenburg, Colorado. His message on Adam, a type of Christ, to his church is presented here for your edification.

One of the tools that Pastor Modlish uses to teach the bible is the use of TYPES, which is a way of understanding future events and people that have a corollary or share particular characteristics with past events, things, or people. Because God does nothing randonly, His plan will be embedded in the foundation of the past like a seed, ready to copy itself for the fulfillment of prophecy.

Romans 5:14, 1Corinthians 15:45


  • type of Christ, a living soul
  • Christ is the last Adam, a quickening Spirit


  • a type of church
  • bride of Christ
  • Eve’s has life as a type because Adam’s side was wounded for her
  • Believers have life because Jesus’ side was wounded for us
  • a part of Adam’s body, a type of church
  • the church is a part of Christ’s body

Ephesians 5:30-32

  • Marriage is a picture or type of a greater relationship between Christ and the church

Genesis 2:18-24

  • God purposed Adam a bride, a help meet long before she was created

Proverbs 18:22, 19:14

  • God’s bride was purposed before the foundation of the world

John 19:34

  • Humanity and deity, represented by blood and water, died for us
  • Jesus’ side was predetermined to be wounded for His bride to complete the type of Adam’s rib

Ephesians 2:10

  • We are God’s workmanship
  • The Doctrine of Adam’s rib

Romans 7:4

  • Procreation: we are told to bring forth fruit unto God
  • Adam and Eve told to be fruitful and multiply, a type, Genesis 1:28
  • Bearing fruit has to do with a new birth

John 1:11-12

  • It’s incumbent on us to receive the Lord where He receives us
  • The bride receives the man who receives her

1Corinthians 11:3-7

  • The woman is the glory of the man
  • The bride of Christ is His glory
  • Adam’s bride was his glory
  • Because of the obvious parallels and types, we should treat our wives as Jesus treats us
  • Successful marriages are 100 to 0, not 50:50

1Thessalonians 5:23, Matthew 28:19, Genesis 1:26

  • We are a body, soul and spirit as is God
  • The spirit of man is neglected
  • When anyone sins the first time, the spirit dies and another Spirit is needed to bring it back to life
  • Man has a spiritual need and needs a spiritual solution

Mark 5:2-15

  • The man had an unclean spirit which multiplied
  • The real issue is always spiritual

January 2021 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for January 2021

A Happy new month to you and your family! Special greetings from Evangelist Moses and Joy Nyiku, and the entire ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL! We really appreciate your prayers, support and even your encouraging comments on Facebook.

It’s always a joy to me to share with you the blessings of obeying and glorifying the Lord, and last month was great with several opportunities to preach the Gospel of Christ.


I’m thank God for the great opportunity of the weekly radio program BRINGING THE GOSPEL and for the people the Lord is using to sponsor this program. The Gospel of Christ is preached weekly and we have received so many good reports of life-changing testimonies of salvation from the audience.

In addition, earlier this year the Lord gave me a desire to disciple new converts from the radio program and train up soldiers to preach the Gospel. I and many others have been praying and just a few weeks ago I started gathering people at my home for Christian fellowship and teaching. I have started this all as the work of faith and I believe the Lord will bless it richly. I would love for you to pray for this new ministry of teaching to grow greatly in grace and fruit.

I want to testify especially about this brother by the name Kasuwa. Ever since he heard the Gospel he has continually called me with inquiring questions and eager to learn. When I called everyone for a time of fellowship, he was the first person that showed up. We all had a great time praying and then studying the Bible together. He privileged us with his testimony and as we were rounding up, he told me that he’s bringing his wife next week because he’s found the infallible Truth and its eternal Author. They both showed up the following week to hear more of the thirst-quenching Gospel. The preaching on Hell-fire so fired him up (pun intended) that he went back home and began telling his neighbors about Jesus so they wouldn’t die and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire! Already he has a burden for the lost. Pray the Lord to protect him from the devil quenching his spirit!

In Makurdi I was privileged to preach a Revival and Prayer Meeting for three days at First Baptist Church. Many decisions were made, souls were saved and God was glorified. I have received many great testimonies from people that were present.

Street preaching has brought so much joy to my soul. One time I was out street preaching in the cool of the day and I saw an elderly man sitting by himself and I could hear the Holy Spirit telling me to go share the Gospel with him. So I walked up to him and did just that, giving him a Gospel tract. After I shared the Gospel of Christ with him, he testified to me that today was happiest day of his life. He said that today was the first day this year that he sat in the open and he never knew that there was a free gift coming from the Lord. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and then he joined us as we went around the neighborhood, sharing the Gospel with his neighbors. God’s indeed changes lives!

Now I want to encourage you all to go out street preaching this week because there’s someone that’s waiting to hear the Gospel of Salvation.

Prayer Requests

By the grace of God we will be starting a school ministry on Friday. Please pray that souls will be saved.

I’m also waiting for approval from the prison here and by God’s grace again, we will soon start sharing the Gospel in the prison. Please pray and support financially if you’re able as we desire to take supplies to meet the physical needs of the prisoners as well as their spiritual needs with the Gospel of Christ. My burden for this comes from the word of God.

  1. And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
James 2

Pray for our new discipleship and fellowship ministry and support it in any way that the Lord lays it on your heart. It all started by faith and I believe the Lord will perfect it.

Also please consider being part of our radio program if you’re not involved by praying and supporting us to keep preaching the Gospel. We broadcast in both English and the Tiv language every Friday. It costs us 15,000 naira per week which is about $45. While we pay it quarterly;, anything you give will help greatly in propagating the Gospel.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and praying for BRINGING THE GOSPEL ministries. As you should know, I would love to pray for you and be a blessing to you in any way I can, so feel free to contact me with the “Contact” button below.

You can download our radio sermons here on the blog as I update them periodically. Just click “Download Moses Radio Sermons” on the homepage (http://bit.ly/BrThGo — shortened version of BringingTheGospel).

God bless you and your family!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

December 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for December 2020

Happy New Year to you, my family and friends! I want to say a special thank you for your prayers and support. 2020 has been an unusual year of trials and God’s blessings. I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to the Lord for the salvation of souls and all the opportunities to give the gospel.


BRINGING THE GOSPEL had the opportunity to air on the radio both on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, and we received a great report from our audience of souls that were blessed. I’m so privileged to be used by an Almighty God to reach souls.

On the 25th of December after our radio broadcast, my wife and I traveled to the village to share the love of Christ. But everyone was busy, so I decided move from house-to-house to talk to the people that would listen. Crossing to the other side of the village, I saw women going to the stream for water and the Lord brought to my mind that living water that quenches all thirst.

  1. Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
  2. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
John 4, KJB

As I stood there that day, I was to share the love of Christ with four women. I considered it a Divine Appointment and God was glorified. They travel miles to get water and yet they were interested enough to hear the gospel. Unlike many other countries, many Nigerians are looking for something real and are open to the Lord’s Gospel.

  1. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
John 4, KJB

My desire for my people to be saved from a godless eternity in Hell has become a reality with a great open door to start a radio ministry. As it is with this new convert, I desire to disciple all new converts in a new life with their Saviour and that door is open as well.

This is Torkuma, a student of the University of Agriculture in Makurdi who has been following our radio broadcast right from the beginning. But towards the end of 2020, he gave me a call for the first time after hearing the message regarding a wounded spirit. He called me on a Tuesday which was somewhat unusual because most calls come in after the broadcast between Friday and Sunday. I was so encouraged when he testified how the radio broadcast had blessed him that when he asked to meet with me for a discipleship class, we set a date to meet on that very Sunday. When he came, he heard the gospel of Christ preached and his faith was turned from religion to the Saviour. The Lord blessed our fellowship and I gifted him with a King James Bible afterwards. He was overcome with tears of joy as I likewise was overcome with joy unspeakable for the salvation of another soul. I believe it is the Lord’s will to continue with these discipleship classes and I will appreciate your prayers in this matter.

  1. Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
  2. Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
1Peter 1, KJB

Oh, the Lord has been so faithful! This is my friend and brother Mr. Lawrence whom I knew when we were in primary school. After school he traveled to the city and we had not been in touch until around 2014 when I was in Bible College. We renewed our friendship then and I had started talking to my friend about accepting the salvation of God. Even though he’s a very good man, I still believe he needed to get right with God.

  1. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Romans 5, KJB

From that time I’ve been in touch with him and at the end of 2020, Mr. Lawrence came to visit me. My wife and I spent time talking and laughing with him that night but the following morning while my wife was in the kitchen, I invited Lawrence to join me in devotion. We were reading Proverbs 18 and he remarked that the word of God is powerful. We finished reading and I shared the Gospel with Mr. Lawrence. That morning he asked Jesus Christ to save him and Heaven was rejoicing with me. A few days after he returned to his work place, I called him to chat with him. As we were talking, he confessed that his visit to us gave him the desire to marry. It is humbling to even think that my wife and I can inspire others. God truly is doing great things!

I was privileged to visit with Redemption Baptist Church in Daudu and it was a great time of fellowship. Now I’m looking forward to evangelize with this church, another of my passions that God has given me.

In counting my blessings I also want to introduce you all to the wonderful parents the Lord has blessed us with. I’m so privileged to be part of this wonderful Idoni family! Mom and Dad, I really appreciate your prayers and support!

I would also want to give appreciation to Pastor Dustin and his family for their friendly advice, prayers and support. He is my big brother and mentor!

Lastly but not least, here is my adopted daddy, Russell Lee. In the beginning when I was a very young man, he agreed to be my daddy when I had none. He believed strongly in me and in the call of God upon my life, and he always pointed me towards the Lord. During those lonely and confusing days in the long ago past, he gave me hope and inspiration to walk a righteous path. His dream for my success encouraged me to remain steadfast and not give up when the going got tough. Even today his standards discipline me to always do righteousness.

Now there are so many other people out who have been a vital part of my life and ministry and I want to give appreciation to you all for your prayers and support. If there are any others who would like public recognition for their part, please let me know so I don’t offend or slight anyone.

By God’s grace BRINGING THE GOSPEL will be starting a prison ministry this year also. Please be in prayer for us and if you can donate toward this cause, we will want to help the prisoners with some sorely needed items.

As schools reopen here, we are trusting the Lord to resume the school ministry I once had. You can be in prayer for us for an open door and that God would prepare the students’ hearts for the Gospel.

Our weekly radio ministry broadcasts in the English and Tiv languages and costs N15000, $45, per week. Please be a part of this great ministry by supporting us with your prayers and financial support so we can continue reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ.

Thank you for reading our newsletter and if you have any questions or prayer requests, please contact us with the button at the bottom and I will be glad to help in any way I can. God bless you!

We’re sending love from our family to yours. God be with you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

November 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for November 2020

Greetings from me and my wife and the entire ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL.

Joy is appropriately named as it is indeed a joy having her as my wife and ministry partner. We appreciate your prayers and support. Due to an unfortunate accident with my phone, all my photos for this newsletter were lost.

Ministry Update

My wife is my partner now with the street preaching ministry. early last month as we went out soul winning in a Muslim area to share the Gospel with them as we both can speak Hausa and it was a thing of joy for me see my young wife sharing and giving out a lot of Gospel tracts.

One man’s testimony particularly encouraged my wife. He was standing by an ATM machine and I handed him a Gospel tract. As he looked at the tract with a look of shock on his face, he asked, “Are there still street preachers?” I said, “Yes, I am one.” He then said that it has been 10 years since he saw a preacher sharing the Gospel on the street. I was glad to share the Gospel with him. His testimony greatly encouraged both me and my wife to see that the harvest of souls is ripe indeed.

The radio broadcast has brought us so much joy as we see people responding to the Gospel message on daily basis. By the grace of God we broadcast in both English and the Tiv language and we have been receiving a great number of testimonies from both segments. There is a great need for discipling and follow-up with these new believers in Christ and it’s my desire to teach them and see them grow in grace.

  1. 11 These things command and teach.
  2. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4, KJB
  1. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
1 Peter 2, KJB

Pray for our radio broadcast that many will be reach with the Gospel through this medium. Be a part of our radio broadcast by supporting us financially to continue reaching souls with the Gospel with a quarterly cost of 15,000 naira ($45 USD) for 30 minutes each week in English and Tiv. Our quarterly payment is due ending of this month. Pray for me for wisdom as I counsel with a good number of people on a daily basis about sin-related issues and that God’s word have an impact in their lives.


Mid last month BRINGING THE GOSPEL ministry printed many Gospel tracts and banners for street preaching illustrating “Three Things God Cannot Do,” that was supported by the Idoni’s, my adopted parents. You can help us with these Gospel tracts as well by supporting the cost of 18,000 naira ($55 USD) to print 2000 Gospel tracts.

The Lord again has provided our rent here using the Idoni’s and we are so thankful for the unconditional love from my adopted parents giving their time and resources to support us preaching the Gospel of Christ.

We’re also very thankful to all of you who have been supporting us in prayers, money and even your time. Thank you for being a part of the Lord’s work here.

Be in prayer for us as we will be starting a prison ministry here early next year. The prison ministry is so dear to my heart and I believe that it is dear to the heart of God as well. We are trusting God to have some gifts ready for the prisoners before January next year. If you could give a donation, it would go towards helping a hapless prisoner meet his need and receive the Gospel at the same time. Truly there is hope in Christ Jesus!

Last Sunday in November my wife and I travelled to a church in Daudu to fellowship and they were happy to have us and the service was a blessing. By the grace of God I will be preaching at Redemption Baptist Church in Daudu on 27 December. Please be in prayer for us as we travel around to preach the Gospel.

We’re still trusting the Lord to meet the need for a sound system for our street preaching.

Thank you for being a part of my life and ministry and I will love to pray with you and be a blessing in any way I can. You can contact me on FB with the contact button below or leave a comment. God be with you!

Sending you love from Moses and Joy

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

October 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for October 2020

Greetings from me and my wife and the entire ministry of Bringing the Gospel.

We sincerely appreciate you for your prayers, financial support, mental support, you’re a family to us and you’ve been a blessing in our lives and ministry. This year has been a year of tremendous blessings in my life and ministry. With the help of the Lord we started a radio broadcast earlier this year. Then October 3 Joy became Mrs. Nyiku, my wife and life partner in the ministry.

  1. Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Genesis 5, KJB

The Lord has been gracious in providing for us — we never lack what to eat, there’s a roof over our heads, and His hand of protection has been upon us. I want to thank God and all of you that have been praying for us, we really appreciate!


Bringing the Gospel is a ministry of faith sponsored by the giving by faith of God’s people.

Bringing the Gospel has brought the Gospel of Christ to numerous souls who now need discipleship. We are trusting the Lord for an open door to gather these new believers and disciple them to grow in faith so the Gospel of Christ will be perpetuated.

  1. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
1 Peter 2, KJB
  1. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2, KJB

Christ is the only answer for salvation which the world needs to hear and above Him there’s no other.

  1. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
  2. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
  3. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
1 Timothy 2, KJB
  1. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Acts 4, KJB

With the blessing of God, Bringing the Gospel now broadcasts in English and Tiv, the native language. It’s indeed a blessing to hear all the great testimonies from our listeners. The Lord is working in ways I never imagined and all glory is to Him!

Tiv is a Southern Bantoid language spoken in some states in North Central Nigeria, with some speakers in Cameroon. It had 7 million speakers in 2020. Most Tiv speakers are found in Benue State in Nigeria. The language is also widely spoken in the Nigerian states of Plateau, Taraba, Nasarawa and Cross River as well as the FCT Abuja. It is by far the largest of the Tivoid languages, a group of languages belonging to the Southern Bantoid branch of Benue–Congo.

The Lord gave me an open door to preach the Gospel at First Baptist Church, Makurdi during their cultural and hymn service and many souls responded to the Word of God! I have a great burden to help this church in the area of evangelism. I ask that you please pray for me.

The street preaching ministry needs a wireless speaker to better reach street audiences. This costs 60,000 naira which is around $170, the last time I checked.

Thank you as you pray and support us as we reach souls with the Gospel of Christ.

Different African tribes worshipping the Lord and singing in their dialect.

Here we are in our cultural attire to mark the Hymn and Cultural service. After I preached, we sang “Jesus Keep Me near the Cross.”

Jesus, keep me near the Cross;
There a precious fountain,
Free to all — a healing stream —
Flows from Calvary's mountain.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross, a trembling soul,
Love and mercy found me;
There the bright and morning Star
Shed its beams around me.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day
With its shadow o'er me.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross! I'll watch and wait,
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand
Just beyond the river.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever,
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Pastor Habbaku visited with us within the month and it was a great time of fellowship. We’re visiting his church as soon as the Lord allows us.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for God’s Power and for souls to come to Christ.
  • Pray for our good health.
  • Pray for the radio broadcast both in the Tiv and English segments.
  • Pray as we prepare to start the prison ministry soon.
  • Pray for the school ministry.
  • Pray for the street preaching ministry.
  • Pray for provisions.

If you want to be a part of our ministry by supporting us financially, please check the donation button below. Every 30 minute broadcast on the radio which covers the Gospel preached in English and Tiv is 15,000 naira ($45). You can also support our other ministries listed above as the Lord leads. May the Lord bless you as you fervently pray for us.

Most people in Nigerian prisons are not criminals and most are penniless. Other than very poor and cheap food, the government provides nothing to these prisoners. They depend entirely on their families for their necessities such as blankets, shoes, and other valuable items which are lacking. Your support towards these sore needs of the prison ministry will demonstrate God’s love and Christian empathy to the prisoners as they are presented with the Gospel.

According to the cell description of an ex-convict of the Owerri Prison, he said “his cell (1 ward 2 cell) measured 32ft in length and 28ft in width, one bathroom and two toilets with approximately 100 inmates staying there”. You can imagine how congested such a cell would be and also the condition of the one bathroom and two toilets.

The cause of this overpopulation in Nigerian prisons is due to the retention of the wrong people. Data from the surveys done by the Prisoners’ Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA) and the Nigerian Prisons Service shows that out of 68,110 inmates only 21,354 were actually convicts while the remaining 46,756 were merely accused individuals awaiting trials. …

Due to the inadequacy of healthcare facilities and services, deaths are often recorded among inmates in prisons. …

Foods served to inmates in prisons are very poor in quality, which is the only explanation for the undernourishment and deficiency diseases common among prisoners. …

Inmates in Nigerian prisons are only provided with food. Items such as toothpaste, soaps, toothbrush, tissue paper, body creams, sanitary pad, underwear, slippers etc. are self-provided. The inmates are allowed to provide themselves with these items.

Majority of inmates remain in jail and await trial due to their inability to afford the service of a lawyer. …

There are prisoners whose case files have gone missing either accidentally or deliberately. There is no point denying the corruption level of our Nigerian Police Force. Some unscrupulous police officers may deliberately destroy the case file of an individual for a fee. …

The outcome of this inhumane act is the permanent awaiting of trial by such a victim unless there is a proper intervention. …

There are cases of homosexuality and lesbianism recorded in Nigerian prisons. Female inmates in some cases face the threat of rape. Some ladies leave the prison with babies while some leave with pregnancy …

Extortion is a common situation in which inmates find themselves in. Guards and prison officials reportedly extorted inmates or levied fees on them to pay for food, prison maintenance, and release from prison. …

This is Nigeria, we all know how things work; the poor gets guilty while the rich is innocent. The innocent gets convicted while the guilty is celebrated, guarded and followed around by police convoys.

Some people end up in prison not because they are guilty but due to the successful conspiracy between the complainant and the judiciary personnel.

This conspiracy usually and more commonly manifest in the form of long term adjournment, some judges would go as far as giving a sine die adjournment to cases which is inappropriate.


We appreciate God Almighty for His care upon us and using us to bring the Gospel to the lost starting from here in Benue and to the world at large. I have received calls even from Cameron and Ghana, two other countries in Africa, that were able to listen to our broadcast and many other calls besides from states around the country where God’s word is being heard.

We also appreciate God for all of you. Because of your prayers and support we’re able to do more for the Lord and Bringing the Gospel to Africa’s lost. May the Lord bless you richly in Christ’s name!

Contact me on Facebook if you would like me to pray with you. I want to be a blessing in any way I can.

We’re sending love from our family to yours. God be with you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

September 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for September 2020

Greetings from Moses and also from Joy, my precious bride! I trust you’re doing well. May the Lord bless all your endeavors!

My newsletter letter this month is about God’s faithfulness upon my life. I would not be where I am today if not for the Lord. I don’t deserve it and I can’t and didn’t earn it. I’m thankful for the wonderful people the Lord allowed me to meet along my journey of life. Several years ago the Lord saved me and put me in the ministry of preaching.

A few months ago I met a young lady by the name Joy whom I believed strongly was going to be my wife. Notwithstanding I began to seek the Lord concerning her and the Lord gave me complete peace, so I started a relationship with her and, to the glory of God, all went well.

According to our tradition here in Africa, I had to pay a “bride price” and the Lord provided miraculously, thus the traditional marriage was a great success.

Side Note:

Bride price, also known as bride wealth, is an amount of money, property or other form of wealth “paid” to the parents of a woman for the right to marry their daughter. In anthropological literature bride price has often been explained in market terms, as payment made in “exchange” for the bride’s family’s loss of her labor and fertility within her kinship group. It may also be understood as a gift from the groom to his new bride’s family. In this sense it is a substantial gesture of goodwill in the forging of the new unity of the lineages. Unfortunately, the voluntary nature of gift-giving in the case of bride price has often been lost as the practice became a requirement for marriage, a requirement that has often proved burdensome.

Bride price or bride wealth is money, property, or wealth “paid” to the parents of a woman for the right to marry their daughter. This is often confused with dowry, which is paid to the groom, or used by the bride to help establish the new household, and dower, which is property settled on the bride by the groom at the time of marriage. The same culture may simultaneously practice both dowry and bride price. An example of bride price is in chapter 24 of the Book of Genesis when Abraham’s servant paid a huge bride price for Rebekah, God’s appointed wife for Isaac.

The practice of bride price may include bride service, the service rendered to the bride’s family by the bridegroom as the bride price or part of thereof. A famous example of bride service occurs in the Book of Genesis, when Jacob labors for Laban for seven years to win Leah and another seven years to win Rachel.

In parts of Africa the validity of a traditional marriage ceremony depends on the payment of a bride price, which can vary from a token amount to exorbitant figures.

— New World Encyclopedia

  1. And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
  2. If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.
Exodus 22, KJB
  1. If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
  2. Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
Deuteronomy 22, KJB

I’m thankful to my adopted parents, the Idoni’s, for sponsoring the marriage and others that have been in prayers for me.

The Wedding of Moses and Joy

Just as God the Father has a never ending love for His children — His Spirit is in each of us, giving us the same love for each other. That’s the greatest blessing of being saved as a child of God — to love and be loved!

  1. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
  2. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
  3. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.
  4. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.
  5. And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.
  6. Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.
  7. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
1John 4, KJB

Never Ending Song of Love

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d have never ending love for you

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on, that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d have a never ending love for you

After all this time of being alone
We can love one another
Feel for each other
From now on

Feels so good I can hardly stand it

Never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do....

After all this time of being alone
We can love one another
Feel for each other
From now on

Feels so good I can hardly stand it

Never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

I’ve got a never ending love for you
From now on that’s all I wanna do
From the first time we met I knew
I’d sing my never ending song of love for you

“Never Ending Song of Love” is a song written by Delaney Bramlett, and, according to some sources, by his wife Bonnie Bramlett. It was originally recorded with his band, Delaney & Bonnie & Friends, in 1971 on the album “Motel Shot.”

Here's another version of this song sung by George Jones and his wife Tammy Wynette with their band.

This is Chidubem, a young man I met a few months ago. In one of our meetings, he asked me if I sell bibles because he saw me with one. That led me to present him with the Gospel and thereafter I gifted him a bible. He looks a bit like me. Who knows? He may become a voice for God to his friends. Pray for him as he grows in the Lord.

I’m trusting the Lord for a wedding ceremony as the Lord provides. I will appreciate your prayers and support for that.

In the midst of all the marriage arrangements, God’s been faithful in providing for the radio broadcast. God is blessing the broadcast in ways I never imagined and it’s a joy to see souls saved.

Soon I will be going back fully into street preaching and door-to-door soul winning. The schools are open here now which are a great medium to reach students with the Gospel of Christ.

I’m also trusting the Lord to have Gospel preaching meetings with Pastor Victor Thompson and he’s also asking for prayers for his church, Spring Valley Baptist Church, especially in the area of church rent.

Great faith Baptist Church, a new church here, has been meeting in a school classroom and we are praying as a church that the Lord will provide us a better place to fellowship and access. Pastor Jonah has a burden to serve the Lord and he will appreciate your prayers and support, especially to get a place of fellowship.

Here’s Great Faith Baptist Church’s meeting place for now and it’s our desire that God provides us with our own place for fellowship.


My radio sermons are available for download on the blog with some of them being updated. Look for the “Download Moses Radio Sermons” button near the top of the homepage. Great bible sermons that will lift your soul! Share it with your friends. I trust you will be blessed from God’s word.

Thank you for reading my newsletter and I will love to pray with you or for you if you have a need. If you have a prayer request, contact me on Facebook with the contact button at the bottom of this page.

God bless you!

Evangelist Moses Nyiku

August 2020 Monthly News

Moses’ Report for August 2020

Good day to you and God’s blessings upon you and your families. It’s always an exciting moment for me whenever I have the opportunity to share with you what the Lord is doing. God is doing what only He can do in my life and ministry.

As I have been praying for some time, the Lord answered that prayer by leading a young lady to me that I have fallen in love with. Then I was stymied by a huge bride price to pay and the Lord has provided that as well. So now we trust the Lord to be married soon. Next month I will write up a full report of testimonies and answers the Lord has provided. Praise God!

The ministry of BRINGING THE GOSPEL to the lost is a ministry of faith and through faith the Lord has been blessing this ministry in ways I cannot explain. It is true that God’s ways are not our ways, however I would rather go with God’s way than my own evil ways. God has been faithful, God’s been good.

  1. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
  2. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55, KJB
  1. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.
Zechariah 3, KJB

I also appreciate those of you that have been a part of my life and ministry. The Lord is not unfaithful to forget your labor of love. I am grateful and may the Lord bless you!


August 13–21 I had the privilege to conduct the BLITZ program in Jos with Evangelist Tunde who is the BLITZ coordinator for SMITE and Pastor Adewale the SMITE director. It was such a rewarding week. The youth gathered in the morning for bible preaching and teaching, and after the morning sessions we divided into groups to our various bible clubs and go to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children. In the evenings we gathered again for preaching. Such was the exciting routine for the week! We had the joy of seeing many souls saved that week. Thank you to the wonderful people of Zion Independent Baptist Church in Zarazone for hosting us and it was a joy serving with you!

Here are some pictures from the BLITZ program:

Giving the Gospel to some young men. What a joy to share God’s word with these young ones.

Friday morning I went to watch soccer in local field where I stayed during the program and these young men sat behind me. They were in a deep conversation about Boko Haram, a terrorist group here in Nigeria, and although I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit to give them the Gospel, I didn’t do it. The Holy Spirit troubled me so much because of that and made me restless. Back in the house where I was staying these young people were constantly on my mind. I couldn’t take it anymore and I surrendered to the Holy Spirit. When I went to these young people, they stopped their conversation all of a sudden and I preached the Gospel to them. What a joy that came to my soul that hour for obeying the Holy Spirit and giving out the Gospel. It was later that I discovered that two of those young men attended the church that hosted me. They were all happy to hear the good news.

The Nyams family took very good care of us. A great family living for Jesus. Here in the picture is Samuel next to me, Mrs. Nyam, Shadrach and Mr. Nyam and their beautiful daughter Naomi. Samuel and Shadrach are seminary students that traveled with us.

Preaching during the evening sessions.

Bible club session. Teaching children the Bible

I was privileged to meet this great man of God that also has a heart for the children’s ministry. He came and played some good music for the children with puppets. Pray for his ministry.

A group picture of those present at the program.

I met Dr. David early this year. He’s one of my good Christian friends. He’s a great man, a good husband and a wonderful father to their son. On my mission trip to Jos, Plateau State, I was privileged to meet again with Dr. David and this time he took me to his home and I was privileged to meet his beautiful wife and their energetic son, David Jr.

I had an enjoyable conversation with him and a wonderful meal of course. In our conversation he mentioned to me that he’s been listening to my radio sermons and he sees in me the love and power of God working in a young man. I’m really honored that my preaching is a blessing to so many!

My producer works really hard to make sure my sermons air every week. He’s a godly man and it’s been a joy working with him.

My brother and friend Arin who hosted me during my mission trip to Jos. A very talented man and it was wonderful spending time with him.

For years now I’ve been praying for a wife and many of you have been praying with me as well. The Lord has answered this prayer. A few months ago I met sister Joy, a godly young lady. We trust the Lord to be married in few months. I will appreciate your prayers and support concerning this great event in our lives. With the traditional rites I have to perform, the Lord has brought me through it all.

Update About My Radio Broadcast

I thank God for the privilege to preach the Gospel to the world through the airways of Radio Benue in Makurdi. The Lord has been blessing this ministry in ways I could never imagine. I received calls of testimony on a daily basis. Counseling and praying with people too. God’s word is touching lives in a great and mighty way. I thank the Lord for my parents, the Idoni’s, for the unfailing support; Pastor Dustin of Cornerstone Faith Independent Church; and many others for your prayers and support.

It’s my desire to continue with the broadcast as it’s touching many lives. My contract with the radio station is due at the end of September. If you feel so inclined, become a part of this great ministry by donating. Your friendship donation will help me to renew my airtime. The cost is 15000 naira weekly ($45). The payment is quarterly and it’s all done by faith. I will appreciate your support and prayers. God bless!

You can also download all my broadcasts from this blog. As you log in, look for “Download Moses Radio Sermons” button on the homepage. Great bible sermons that will lift your soul! Share it with your friends. I trust you will be blessed from God’s word.

I’m trusting the Lord to host a bible conference here before the year runs out to enable me to meet with my converts for a refreshing time of preaching questions and answers, and testimony. Bibles will be distributed and other Christian materials that might be available. Pray for this upcoming program and support it in any way you can.

Reach out to me via Facebook or drop me a comment there. Use the “Contact or Message Moses Nyiku” button at the bottom of every page. I wish to be a blessing in any way I can. Thank you very much for reading my newsletter.

Evangelist Moses Nyiku